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"Hello Avyanna"

"You, you are the moon goddess but i don't get it this doesn't make any since" i stumbled with my words and i felt hunter put his hand on my shoulder i turned back to the moon goddess.

"Avyanna your hair its turning gold " hunter said

"What no" i grabed a piece of my hair and sure enough it has silver, gold, and my blond color

"Whats happening" i look at her like i was going crazy

"Your changing into the next moon goddess"

"WHAT" everybody said at the same time


"No your not my daughter, i dont have one so i am giving you my title"

"What why me why no one of then or someone else "

"Because there not pure, ever since you were little i took watch on you and you have always been pure you are the next moon goddess and i pick you for my next heir there are thousands of reasons why you are i gave you some powers when you were born that has everything to do with your eyes and wolf when you saved kyle you got your powers all ot them but let you be warned there are some people who doesn't want you to bring a baby in this world mark my words the baby will be unstoppable there is only one human that can kill it is its mate"

"But im not pregnant"

"Not yet" then she smirked with a nowing glint and left but were left with another lightning bolt i looked at hunter and everyone else and saw they are just now processing this to they all turned to look at me when she left with there mouth wide open.

When they all came to, my pack members rushed to me make sure i was okay i looked at my dad he was looking at me with regret but i got up from my knees and walked to him while everyone else made way for me when i got to dad i touched his cheek and he started crying i gave him a hug "i love you daddy i forgive you i always will"

"You should kill me i deserve it i hurt you"

"In the worst possible way ,i love you Avyanna , your mom would be proud.

The Moon Goddess Chosen Heir part 2

Already out and I'm truly sorry for the short chapters the next book will have longer chapters and longer pages I didn't even realize it but the next book is already out just needs finishing:)

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