chapter 23

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"Alpha its an emergency " that got use both out of bed and jump to open the door it was dylan "alpha there is a pack attacking another pack beside our boarder and i don't know if it will cause use anything or what" i looked at dylan "do you know what pack it is dylan"

"No Avy i dont there just fighting its like they got ambushed or something but the other pack is slaughtering the one that got ambushed "

I nod "hunter we have to help them that can't be a coincidence they're there for a reason and it might have something to do with us"

"Dylan gathier the children and elderly and the pregnant women in the bunker saddle your warriors we can't be late"

"They might not have intentions of use but no one freaks my pack out in a crises, at least have the dignity to do it some were else"

"Avyanna are you going to fight or you want to get to the bunker"

"Hunter I'm fighting I'm not a chicken i need to be with you I'm the luna" he nods "alright lets headout Avyanna get ready don't forget your swords I'll get our armor ready" i nod "be safe hunter i love you"

"I love you to baby" he walks to me and brings me into a big kiss " be careful to love"

"Dylan you be safe to"

"I will Avy don't worry "

When they left the room i started to get ready i am wearing a black leather jacket and black slick pants with black nail polish with red dots on my nails for designs and i put black ankle high combat boots, then i got my swords and attached them to my back straps.

When i got ready i left my room to join the others when i started walking there i pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and headed to hunter who is talking to dylan and my friends, dylan and hunter look at me and the looks on there faces made me blush i went and punched both of the on the arm so hard it might just leave a bruise ,i hope.

"Yall guiet, so we ready to move out or what i want to get this over with so i can teach hunter some manners" i say in a seductive voice.

"Ohhhh" my pack backs me up on this and thats when hunter started to blush which made me smile "whats wrong big boy can't handle me"

He smiled and walked to me "you might want to reverse your words sweetheart you can't even handle me" oh boy he is good at making me blush.

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