chapter 16

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I looked over to were I heard the growling and stood in front of my pack but they stepped in front of me I looked at them like what the heck is going on that's when I see 30 wolves coming out of the trees behind the trees and some moved out of no we're.

"Were not here to cause harm we're only here to pass by"

A man in his mid twenties came up front I guess he is the head guard "you think we believe you rogues we aren't stupid"

"Well apparently you are so that sucks don't it" I say in the most sarcastic voice ever.

"Look just let use by and we won't give you any harm we just want to be well on our way okay"

"Not so fast we got alphas orders and yall aren't leaving until we have followed them"

"What's your alphas orders"
He smirked "to put y'all in the interrogation room""
"Over my dead body" I growled which shocked them cause my alpha voice "y'all alphas and packs are the same, never give them a chance to explain you just want to see use die cause you think we w are chosen to be like this some of use are here because of horrible crap.

And I know my eyes are changed cause they all gasp "you are worth killing"

Then they all jumped at use. I jumped on one of the Wolfe's and snapped it's neck little enough that he can heal back within the next hour so he isn't dead I keep doing it until I got thrown to a tree and punch in the gut by I boy and not older than 18 "nice let's see what you got"

He smirked and tryed to punch me in the face but I took his fist inches from my face twisted it when I heard a scream I let it go and nocked him out with my foot connected to his head I jumped at another one and he tryed to pull my hair so I bent his fingers back glared in his eyes and punched him in the face were he can't wake up so he is nocked out I tryed to looked for Dylan i found him held down by one wolf and I started to charge over to him but go caught by my arms behind my back then I felt cuffs on me they were on so fast I didn't have a chance to turn around I saw that guy punch Dylan in the face "Dylan no" I screamed I kick and hollered loud as I can but to no avail there all down even Dylan I growled at them.

"I'll kill you if you hurt anyone I swear"

he almost bowed but didn't, he started to drag me to the pack most likely to were they're going to torture me to get information that I don't have idiots.

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