chapter 8

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When he jumped on me we tumbled to the ground and rolled a couples times until he stopped use.
"Well hello there"he looked at me with lust and I was completely disgusted at him he has perfect teeth but he has a bad attitude and needs it adjusted.

"You know you really need manners I'm not food so get off of me will ya"
He acted like he was thinking for a minute until I got tired of it and punch him with my free hand that's not squeezed in his grip I got him in the side of his stomach and he rolled to the side holding it.

When he was done crying like he was a baby that's when I realized he isn't but a year older then me "how old are you"

He looked at me like I was crazy who in the right in mind would make a conversation with a rogue well me of course if they are like me and ain't got family well that's when I realized the sadness in his eyes but quickly recovered when I looked at him with sadness.

"Why do you care not like your gonna give me yours" he snaped

"I'm Avyanna"

He looked taken aback for a minute until he composed himself he stood up fast and attacked me he punched me in my stomach and that hit, let the air out of my lungs but didn't make a sound except open my mouth to breath air in when i was stable I punched him in the face and jumped on him and twisted his arm behind his back and got to his ear "what's your name"

"Why didn't you cry or scream or even curse when I hit you"

I looked taken aback by his question I let go of his arm and stepped back "my family" then turned around because I know good and well that he isn't  gonna attack me again he seems there is something similar about use but there can't be anything worst than there own father abusing them when I started walking back to my camp site he followed ,It took like ten minutes to get back

I sat down on a log I was sitting down on earlier and got my food out the rest of the rabbit and warmed it up it took another ten minutes for it to warm when I looked over at the boy he was still standing there looking at me speechless "well are you gonna stop drooling over me or you gonna sit and eat" he was shocked for a minute but nodded and sat down anyway.

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