chapter 24

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"Alright i get ya, can we go now hunter i want to hurry up" i say not even a bit worried we won't win i know we will because we are the strongest pack in the whole state and i cant say it makes we proud of my pack they are exactly what i always dreamed of.

" all right guys I am so proud of you and I wish you all good luck hope all of y'all stay safe and keep an eye out for each other we'll meet each other at the end back here when we're all done love you all"

" remember we're fighting the pack that ambushed the other pack stay safe like Avyanna said and remeber you got family here dont let them down"

He contiues on with our plan and we head out we ran all the way to the end of our territory and what i saw was horrible they had the heads of some of the people of the body and thrown i almost threw up i looked at hunter beside me and we made i contact until we relized they had the other pack members lined up on the ground down on there knees some are begging for mercy while they other pack just laughed and joked that there so weak thats when i saw my father having tears down his eyes i gasp and he looked up and saw me he looked shocked then i saw regret and something i can't guite place.

Then i looked were he was looking at and saw they have my brother beaten to the ground being kicked by 3 other people, that right there made me step forward but hunter stopped me i looked in his eyes i can tell my color has changed "thats my brother and my old pack"
He nods in understanding 'guys whatever happens dont let the others live they are seeing if the pack is strong enough all this is like a game to them dont show mercy' 'yes luna'

They responded to me.

I growled when i saw them kick my brother again and i stepped forward and i saw them people freeze like they got caught stealing a chocolate bar they turned around slowly and saw use they gasp because we have a big number of people like 80 something here and the rest is at the base.

"You now giving a surprise attack is a cowardly thing to do you want to know how i like to attack, looking them in the eye"

One of the boys looked at use and the swords we have with our logo on it and he gasp "boss ain't this the crimson shadow pack"

He looked scared the the boss started to stumble with his words  he finally relized he was in charge "which do you think you are for interfering with a packs battle"

"This wasn't a battle it was an ambush you are beside our territory actually your in my territory and its really wrong to scare hafe the kids so bad but your dumb coming to the strongest pack in america but oh well, you will die soon know step away from my brother or you will die"

"Your gonna kill me anyway"
"Yes i am"

"If any of you would like to surrender your free to do so"

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