now playing: 2.8 - but I didn't

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now playing: 2.8 - but I didn't. 

 01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50 

⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻

tw ! : mentions of blood, kidnapping, abuse & child abuse. 


"You missed a spot."

"Can you fucking piss off, Kazumi?!"

As the newly dubbed 'House Arrest Boys', Bakugou and Midoriya were on cleaning duty as a punishment for fighting behind their teacher's backs. However, they both didn't expect Kazumi to come home all day since apparently she needed a day off after losing a lot of blood while working with Sir Nighteye.

It had alarmed the boys initially when she first told them, but fortunately it was more so because of her own clumsiness rather than a run in with a villain or something.

And, to be honest, they became less worried the more she bothered them. 

"Can't you hang around the faculty dorms?" Bakugou demanded, wiping the window sill Kazumi had claimed he'd forgotten to clean.

If anything, he was doing a better job than Midoriya in his humble opinion.

"It's so embarrassing with you watching us," Midoriya added, agreeing with Bakugou. 

 "I could, but this is far more entertaining." She persisted.

Bakugou rolled his eyes. She wasn't even paying attention to them that much. If anything, her head seemed to be stuck in some book for the majority of the time.

"Oh, Kazumi, while you're here." Midoriya piped up, the girl peering over the book she read. "You're working with Sir Nighteye and Mirio, aren't you?"

Given that her and Midoriya were close, she'd told him all about her Overhaul case and her relationship with Kai Chisaki. Midoriya seemed to understand her sudden disappearance a bit better now, feeling less guilty about her sudden departure that he thought he'd been the cause of. 

For two boys who were on bad terms for the majority of the time, it was scary sometimes how similar Bakugou and Midoriya were. 

She nodded, "I'm the leading detective under his company for this case."

Midoriya made a noise of awe as he leaned on the broom in his hands, his chin balanced on the top of the stick.

"All Might recommended that I work with him, so perhaps we'll be working together." Midoriya excitedly said and Kazumi's eyes shone with excitement.

"Really?! Oh my goodness, we're never done anything like this before together." She exclaimed, sitting up on the couch. 

Bakugou rolled his eyes before pointing at the two.

"You better keep a lookout for Kazumi, she's not allowed to battle since she's only a detective for Nighteye." Bakugou threatened Midoriya, Kazumi huffing in annoyance. "That Overhaul case leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'd fight him one on one if I could, y'know."

Midoriya nodded in determination, hanging an arm around Kazumi before she squealed, feeling him put the entirety of his body weight on her.

"She's safe in my – AAAH"

The couch tipped backwards because of Midoriya's weight on the backrest, Kazumi screaming as Midoriya steadied the couch back onto the floor. The two burst out into cute giggles, Bakugou crossing his arms in annoyance. 

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