now playing: 0.4 - don't deceive me too.

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now playing: 0.4 - don't deceive me too.

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50

⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻


Aizawa peered up from the confines of his sleeping bag where he snuggled in his desk chair, noticing Kazumi in the second last row behind Midoriya where she was quietly doing her work.

Although, Midoriya wasn't in his seat after getting injured during their Battle Trial.

She had her headphones over her ears, completely fixated on her school work despite the fact that he knew she hated maths class.

He would consider himself stupid if he didn't notice the depressed state of the teen living in his house. He'd attempted to apologise to her on multiple occasions, but she would be asleep every time he came into her room. She had the tendency to sleep too much when she was stressed, whether that was a quirk thing or one of her coping mechanisms, he couldn't really tell.

The bell rang for lunch and he didn't bother to dismiss the class, watching as they all packed up to eat. He was tempted to ask Kazumi to stay back – perhaps he could lead in with congratulating her for her fight with Yaoyorozu against Kaminari and Jiro. It was a tense battle given that two hearing quirk users were up against each other.

However, Kazumi cut through the desks to avoid him, making her way out of the class.

He sighed. He had no clue how to deal with a teen as an adult. He wasn't her parent after all.


Kazumi wandered aimlessly through the moderately empty halls of U.A. At this time of the day, most students were having lunch outside or in the cafeteria, so not many students lingered around the classrooms.

She'd fallen into the routine of having lunch with Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida every day. But being in her shitty mood, she wasn't sure if she could handle just talking to Uraraka and Iida without Midoriya being there – he had a knack for keeping a conversation going, unlike her.

Kazumi assumed he was still healing in Recovery Girl's Office. Bakugou seemed to be a bit more riled up than usual and did a number on the poor boy. So she'd decided to go visit him.

However, her sensitive ears caught onto Midoriya's breathing pattern as she walked past All Might's office, hearing Midoriya's voice echoing from the room.

"So, Mr Aizawa is against having me in his class?" Midoriya asked meekly.

Kazumi's eyes widened.

"No, I think  he's just a bit worried that he has a lot on his plate." Was that All Might's Voice? "He hasn't taught someone who only just recently got a quirk, after all. Especially one that is as powerful as ours."

Kazumi's hand shot to her mouth as she leaned against the wall nearby.

"Since I'm the one who transferred you the quirk, I reassured him that we'll be working closely on the side and that he has nothing to worry about. My time is limited because of that quirk, so I should teach you while I can."

She furrowed her eyebrows, finding the topic familiar.

It wasn't until they mentioned All for One and One for all. She'd read about it once – she'd even heard about it a couple of times. But she couldn't quite find all the information she needed in books and online since it seemed to be confidential information between One for All users, but she found out enough to connect the dots.

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