now playing: 1.6 - you can trust me

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playing now: 1.6 - you can trust me

01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50 

⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ 


Bakugou glanced at Kazumi from his spot on the training grounds. He'd been given a short break from exerting his quirk and was on the ground drinking from his water bottle.

He wasn't sure whether it was because he'd gotten mad at her last night, but she'd been oddly on edge the entire day. Weirdly enough, she wasn't even training her quirk today – it was if she was meditating rather than actually pushing her quirk to the limit... as if she was preserving her quirk.

Actually, their teachers hadn't been pushing them as hard as the previous two days. They seemed to be on edge too, besides the Wild, Wild Pussycats who were just as energetic as usual.

Mr Aizawa was acting especially strange; hovering around Kazumi all day and keeping his phone near him. Every time it rang, he disappeared to answer it. It was getting on his nerves.

What was even weirder was that when dinner time came, the group of students had been ordered to stay in their dorms for the night instead of playing the test of courage with the Pussycats. There was no explanation for the sudden change, but it caused a bit of an uproar between the students.

"Hey, you promised us we would get to do actual camp activities!" Mina argued as she washed the dishes with Asui and Uraraka. 

Aizawa turned around, "you and the remedial students wouldn't even be participating even if we did continue on with our plans. You have extra classes to do."

Mina melted against the sink, Uraraka and Asui sighing. The training camp so far had just been pure torture rather than fun.

Aizawa discreetly peered over at Kazumi who was quietly collecting rubbish from around the site. He approached her, casually sitting down at one of the tables.

"Kaz, how's the progress? Have you heard from the League or any heroes yet?" Aizawa whispered.

Kazumi shook her head. 

All day, she'd been using her quirk to listen out for the villain's movements but had been struggling all day to discern the sound of footprints of any new League members who may have appeared during the day.

As Kazumi didn't have all the sounds of students' and teachers' footprints memorised, she couldn't quite discern the difference between their movements and the villains' movements.

However, she'd sometimes hear snippets of conversations between the villains, but they were pretty silent about their plan.

It was strange. It was almost as if they knew someone was listening to them.

So Aizawa had asked for some heroes to come as backup, they didn't seem to be anywhere nearby yet. 

"Nothing..." Kazumi murmured, lowering her head.

Aizawa clicked his tongue, looking out into the distance. Kazumi had said that the Villains were lurking in different hiding spots not too far from their camp.

She'd managed to create a general perimeter in her mind of the location of some of the villains she'd recognised the footsteps of. They seemed to have stayed generally still throughout the day – they were definitely watching them.

"Kazumi, always stay with me or Vlad while we do the remedial classes." Aizawa ordered, "it's important that you're here to tell us if anything strange happens."

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