27. a lost memory

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xavier's eyes flickered with fear. "you're joking. you have to be joking. you're joking, right? please tell me you're joking."

wednesday backed away in aggressive fear. "who are you and where is my medieval pocket mace? why the fuck can i not remember a thing"

enid quickly transfomed back into a human, without any injury, and began to cry. "wednesday! please! you have to trust us!" ajax pulled her into his arms. "let's just... give them some space," he whispered.

sheriff galpin was still awestruck his son had just been murdered. bianca, enid, and ajax helped steer him away from the scene.

that left xavier and wednesday in the room alone. he slowly scooted over to her, careful not to scare her more than she already was. "hey, i'm a friend, i swear. i just wanna help. will you let me help you?"

wednesday stared and nodded. xavier held out a hand for her and she hesitantly took it. he pulled her closer and sat with her. "what do you need to know?" he asked. the girl simply stared. "everything."

xavier explained who she was, what she'sd done to help save the outcasts, who he was, who enid, bianca, ajax were, her history with tyler galpjn and laurel gates, and what her family was like.
at the end, wednesday began to blink rapidly, extremely overwhelmed, but grateful. "thank you." xavier smiled and reached over, pulling her into a bear hug. "of course. i'd do anything for you, wednesday. i'm really just glad he didn't hurt you."

when wednesday pulled away, she asked him, "are you my boyfriend?"

xavier gave her a small smile. "it's complicated."

she stared at him intensely. "i am lucky to have you as a friend, z-z- what is your name? my memory is as treacherous as that dead statue." the boy chuckled. "xavier."

wednesday nodded. "xavier. i am lucky to have you as a friend, xavier. you are kind and have gentle eyes. tell anyone i have said that and i will poke them out, i think."

xavier held out his hand for wednesday once more. "thanks. i've missed you, wednesday. i'm glad to have you back... even if your memory is a little fuzzy."

wednesday blinked. "i don't know if i have missed you. do you think i will ever regain my memory? or will this be the beginning? a new life?" xavier side-eyed her with a little smirk on his face. "nah, no one can destroy wednesday addams. you're a fucking legend."

wednesday gave him a little side stare. "thank you, i think." xavier smiled at her once more. "i think we should get you back to the school and get some rest. you've definitely had a long day. what do you say, a piggy back ride for old times sake?"

the noirette stared. "what is a piggy back ride?" she asked. a devious little smirk spread across the boy's face. "hop on my back, you don't have to walk or anything. just focus on me, wednesday. hold on to me."


once everyone made it back to nevermore, they all gathered in enid and wednesday's dorm.

enid gave ajax a sad smile. "can we go on our date tomorrow or next week? i think i should stay here with wednesday tonight." xavier interfered immediately. "don't worry about it, enid. go on your date. i'll stay with her." enid frowned. "that's a nice offer, but you don't have to do tha-" xavier interrupted her immediately. "i want to."

enid's eyes lit up as a happy smile spread across her lips. "ahhh, i get it. have fun then! see ya later bestie, have fun with xavierrr," she teased, giving wednesday a quick hug.

wednesday didn't know whether to hug back or not so she decided to awkwardly pat her roommate on the back. "goodbye."

xavier snorted a laugh from behind her. he thought she was adorable.

wednesday twirled around to face him after enid, ajax, and bianca had left. "if you continue mocking me, i will use my pocket mace on you." xavier gave her a smile, wrapping his arms around her waste. "i'm sure you will."

before he could say anything else, wednesday couldn't help but ask. "what happened between us? why is it complicated?"

xavier lead her over to her bed and sat next to her, explaining the entire stalker situation.

"tyler... he was stalking you. we didn't know it was him, you didn't know it was him. but he texted you if you didn't break up with me he'd kill me. you wanted to protect me. but then we started dating in secret. then a girl, ivory, my ex, kissed me. i didn't even want her to... but you saw it and freaked out and made out with your friend jet. then we basically broke up and then everything happened with tyler... and i just... i dunno. i want to be with you. that's all i can really tell you, wednesday. i'm sorry."

AN: play the song at the top ^^ now

wednesday frowned. "you have an ex?"

he couldn't meet her eyes. "technically two. i dated bianca two years ago and we broke up, but it doesn't matter. we're good friends now.  but ivory, well... if i'm being completely honest, the only reason i dated her was to try to get over you and make you jealous. but it pushed you away more and that was just a mess. it's like she had me under some sort of spell or curse or something."

the noirette sat pondering. "is she a witch? you said there were witches in my bloodline. maybe she is like them."

xavier shook his head. "i dunno, wednesday. honestly i don't give a shit at this point. i just wanna forget she ever existed."

wednesday couldn't keep her eyes off of xavier. "i- i am sorry, xavier. i know i don't remember anything, but i am sure i never wanted to cause you any pain."

xavier shook his head. "no, you don't need to apologize. i'm the one who needs to apologize. i'm sorry, i shouldn't have dawned this all on you at once. especially not with your memory practically demolished. i love you, wednesday. i'm so fucking sorry."

wednesday crawled closer to sit next to him and he wrapped her in his arms. "you are a good friend, xavier. i wish we could start over without my memory being gone. we could be something perfect, together."

xavier's lips gently grazed the top of her head in the hug as he mumbled, "i'm sorry, darling. i'm just a fuck up."

wednesday looked up into his eyes as she told him, "i am as well. that is why we fit so perfectly disgustingly together. thank you for telling me the truth, xavier."

a new beginning, wavierOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz