18. love is dead

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just as soon as everything was going swiftly for wednesday and xavier, it was going to come to an end.

wednesday was doing homework in her dorm a week when she got a text from an unknown number. the stalker.

there was no option for wednesday

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there was no option for wednesday.
she had to break up with xavier.

if she didn't, he would die.

she knew the stalker, whoever it was, was persistent. if they said they would murder xavier, and she couldn't live with him gone. she couldn't live with that guilt.

the next day, early in the morning, wednesday went over to xavier's dorm to talk to him, break up with him.
when he answered, ajax was already gone for breakfast. it was just the two of them.

xavier opened the door with a bright smile. "good morning, love. what are you doing here?" wednesday stared. "can i come in?" she asked. he held the door wide open for her. "of course. you don't even have to ask that, wednesday."

wednesday stepped in the door and quickly shut it behind her so the other students wouldn't overhear and gossip about what was about to happen.

"i am breaking up with you," she told xavier directly.

his smile immediately faded. "w-what? what did i do wrong?" he asked. wednesday simply stared. "you didn't do anything wrong, xavier." the boy frowned. "i- i don't understand. do you not love me anymore? is that why you're breaking up with me?"

wednesday blinked. "i love you, xavier. unfortunately, i always will. i truthfully am sorry, but this has to end. we can't be together anymore. i swear i have your best interest in my dark, bottomless heart." as soon as the girl uttered those words, she turned back towards the door.

xavier stopped her by grabbing her wrist from behind her. "wait, please," his voice cracked. "you have to tell me why you're doing this. you can't just say you love me and want what's best for me and leave. please. i'll hear you out. please." he begged.

wednesday's eyes started to water. "i am sorry, xavier. i have to go."


later on in the day, in botanical sciences, bianca looked over at wednesday. "hey, is something going on between you and xavier? you guys are both looking super down today." wednesday blinked. "we broke up." bianca raised an eyebrow in confusion and sincerity. "what? everything was going so well for you two."

wednesday stared head on. "yes, it was. but all good things have to die eventually."
"who broke up with who?"
"i broke up with xavier."
"what?! then why do you look so sad?!"
"it wasn't by choice, bianca. that's all i'm saying."
"does this have something to do with ivory?"
"no. leave that dimwit out of this."

ivory saw xavier looking glum all of class and decided to chat to him about it after. "hey, xavier, are you okay?" the boy was breathing heavily. "yeah, i just got broken up with and i have no idea why, but yeah, everything is okay." he snapped.
ivory was shocked to hear about the news. "oh my god. wednesday addams dumped you?! i told you she was bad news! she just doesn't appreciate you for who you are." xavier nodded.

"you're right, ivory. i should have listened to you before. and i'm really sorry. i was a total jackass to you while i was dating her. i hope we can be friends again." the redhead gave a warm smile and gently touched his shoulder. "always, xavier. if you need anything, anything at all, just talk to me." the boy smiled at the girl. "thanks, ives. i appreciate you."

the week after the breakup was hard for wednesday and xavier, but ivory made the best out of it. she texted xavier 24/7 and was a good 'friend' to him.

two weeks after wednesday and xavier's break up, she decided to make her big move on him.

before botanical sciences, ivory spotted her target walking in the door. she waited until he got to his seat. "xavier! i was wondering if you maybe wanted to come to my dorm tonight? there's something i want to talk to you about." she invited him. in return, he flashed her a giddy, grateful smile. "i'd love to, ives. what time?" the green-eyed beauty smiled at him. "9:00, don't be late."

a little before 9:00 that night, ivory heard a soft, gentle knock on her door. her roommate, emmy, had left for the weekend so she was sleeping alone.

ivory rushed to the door. "xavier, hi!" the boy smiled at her. she looked absolutely radiant. "so, what did you wanna talk to me about?" xavier smirked. ivory nervously fidgeted around with her hands. "oh yea, about that... there's something i kinda need to tell you." he nodded. "alright, go on."

"listen, i don't know if you're gonna feel the same way and i don't expect you to in any way or anything. but i really like you. i have for a while now. and i just thought you deserved to know."

the words hung in the air for a moment in silence.

"gosh, ives. i'm a really lucky guy. 'cause i have really strong feelings for you too." xavier nervously admitted. "really?" she asked. he nodded. "yeah, it's driving me crazy, actually..."

then they both made a move.

xavier swiftly walked over to her and found his way extremely close to ivory's face. she filled in the space between them and they shared a short, quiet kiss.

xavier's hands found their way to her waste and ivory's hands were on his face. they made their way to her bed and ended up on their knees, passionately kissing each other.

"how far can we go?" ivory asked.

"i just wanna be with you," xavier murmured.

the girl quickly unbuttoned the boy's shirt and he took hers off as well, but they had no more energy.

ivory fell asleep rather quickly and xavier stayed the night.

romance at nevermore academy had gone from boring to utter chaos.

and it was all wednesday's stalker's fault.

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