20. goodbye ivory

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it had been two weeks since the chat in the nightshades library xavier he still couldn't get wednesday out of his head. she had been meaning to tell him something, but per usual, it got messed up when he pulled her away.

in botanical sciences, xavier turned around and started staring at wednesday. enid nudged her best friend and whispered, "why is he doing that? aren't you guys still fighting?" the noirette surprisingly made a face at the boy which made him chuckle.

ivory saw her boyfriend laughing at something and turned around to see what it was, but wednesday started doing her work again so the girl was left clueless. ivory frowned. "baby, we have to do our work. you're gonna get us in trouble with mrs. venus." xavier rolled his eyes with a grin. "of course, ives. i'm sorry."

once again, mrs. venus had arranged lab partners, pairing wednesday and xavier together. when ivory found out, she complained to her boyfriend. "you can't be lab partners with your ex, it's against the lawww," she whined into his chest. xavier found it rather annoying and pushed her away. "it's just a lab, ivory. it's not that big of a deal. besides, i don't even talk to wednesday anymore," he lied. ivory rolled her eyes. "fine."

xavier then walked over to wednesday. "hey lab partner, how ya holding up?" he asked. she stared at him judgmentally. "don't be weird, xavier." he nudged her teasingly with his elbow. "hey, i was just being a good friend to the girl i wish was my girlfriend." wednesday stared and pointed at ivory. "no. your girlfriend is over there. give it a rest, xavier. our relationship is over."

xavier frowned. "but you said you loved me." wednesday looked down at the lab. "i do. but you know our relationship is over. and so does your girlfriend, so stop flirting with me."

he frowned again. "i wish we could just be friends again." she agreed. "i do too, but that ship has already sailed and hit an iceberg. then it sunk. it was called the titanic. let's focus on the lab."

two days later, ivory and xavier were eating lunch in the quad when she pulled him away from the people they normally sat with. "xavy, i have some big news, and i'm not really sure how you're gonna take it." he nodded. "okay, shoot." her eyes wandered away from his face. "i'm leaving nevermore. i talked to my parents and we decided it's not really where i belong."

xavier's heart beat pace fastened like in the movies when someone is about to die. "oh, wow, that is big news."

hallelujah! he would finally be able to friends with wednesday again!

"yeah, and i just... i was wondering your thoughts about us, you know? should we keep this thing going? do you think we have a long future ahead of us?" ivory asked xavier, and took his hands and placed them around her waist.

no. not a chance. he was going to try his hardest to get wednesday back.

"uhm, i don't really know, ivory. do you think we could manage a long distance relationship for a long amount of time?"

she couldn't meet his eyes. "no, i don't. thank you for being a good boyfriend, xavier, but it's over."

xavier nodded and slipped his hands off of her waist. "goodbye, ivory."


xavier had to go find wednesday and tell her the amazing news.

he saw enid and bianca talking and ran up to them in a jiffy. "hey guys, do you know where wednesday is?" enid nodded. "yeah, she's in our dorm. but i wouldn't bother her. she's writing." he grinned and ran off, shouting, "thank you!"

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