22. art shed

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xavier had brought dinner from the lunch room for himself and wednesday to eat while they chatted in his art shed.

she walked in before he was ready and he turned around with his jaw dropped. "w-wednesday, i didn't know you'd be here early." the girl stared. "you asked me to come at dinner. what else did you expect?" she asked. the boy nodded. "you're right, i'm sorry. have a seat."

"so, how have you been?" xavier asked wednesday. she looked down at her plate while eating, refusing to even look at him. "busy. and you?" she asked in return.

xavier melted inside and rested his hand on top of hers from across the table. "wednesday, come on. i know things have been... nonexistent between us lately, but please don't shut me out again." a grin appeared on his face as he started singing his guts out. "PLEASE DONT SLAM THE DOOR! YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP YOUR DISTANCE ANYMORE!"

wednesday was left completely confused and unamused. "why are you shouting at me? it isn't going to help your cause."

xavier's jaw dropped. "you've never seen frozen?!" he asked in shock. the noirette stared. "i don't have a clue what that is- and because of your 'performance'- i have every intention of going out of my way not to see it."

xavier spontaneously pulled wednesday out of her seat and twirled her around.

"come on, have a little fun!" he chuckled. she tripped over her feet and was about to fall on her back when xavier caught her. "for a psychotic killer, i would've thought you'd have better balance," he told her. wednesday glared at him. "i am not a psychotic killer, i am just a killer. don't compare me to the hyde," she muttered.

"oh, yeah— uh— did you hear about that?" xavier asked. wednesday stared. "hear about what?" he couldn't meet her eyes. "tyler escaped... he's on the loose again."

"how do you know?" she asked. the boy shrugged. "i- i kinda overheard principal sipe talking to sheriff galpin." wednesday's brows furrowed. "sheriff galpin has been back at nevermore? they should have fired him. there is no way he didn't have any sort of clue his son was the hyde."

xavier rolled his eyes, nodding. "yeah, but i was with him when he saw tyler again. the only clue he really got was when you almost murdered his son." a small almost-smile crept upon wednesday's lips. "i wish i had been able to. then you could've gotten out of prison sooner."

the boy opened his mouth with a wide smile. "oh, yeah? you missed me that much?" he asked teasingly. the girl simply stared. "yes, i wanted to see you again and kill a pilgrim. it was on my bucket list."

xavier took a step closer and reached out and ran his fingers along one of her braids. "yeah, it should always be. to see me, i mean."

wednesday noticed his eyes were shining and suddenly felt it again. the evil bats were stewing a cauldron of mischief in her stomach. flutter flutter. flutter flutter.

"i want to kiss you, xavier."

"i wanna kiss you too, wednesday. i really wanna kiss you."

"but i can't." wednesday interfered.

xavier frowned. "yes you can. you know i'm not gonna get mad if you do."

wednesday stepped back. "i have to find out who the stalker is firs-"
a loud bang hit the side of the shed and xavier stepped in front of wednesday, grabbing a chair as a weapon. "get behind me, love."

wednesday's heart stung with sadness. he hadn't called her love since he was her boyfriend.

instead of getting behind him, she stood next to him and then carefully opened the door. "whoever is out there, show yourself. if you don't, i will personally hunt you down, rip out your throat, and feed the rest of your body to a countless number of pirañas."

yoko tanaka fearfully stepped out from the darkness and safety of the shadows.

"yoko. what are you doing here?" wednesday interrogated. "i was sent to spy on xavier," the vampire reluctantly admitted. xavier set down the chair and stood in front of wednesday, now holding her hand. "by who?" yoko looked at the ground guiltily. "your father. he is worried you are unsafe at the school."

"god, he's going insane." xavier scoffed. "just tell him i'm fine and that i'm thriving. he's not gonna take me away from here." yoko nodded in silence. wednesday reasuringly squeezed xavier's hand. "let's go inside. goodbye, yoko." yoko looked at the ground before walking away. "goodbye, wednesday. sorry, xavier."

xavier tightly shut the art shed door behind wednesday and sat down, trying to process what he'd just been told, putting his head in his hands. "god, i'm never gonna get a break from him. i just wish he would forget i exist."

wednesday sat next to him and hesitantly set her hand on his shoulder. "he cares about you, xavier. it shows he isn't heartless." xavier looked up at the girl and his eyes met hers. "thanks, wednesday. i- i'm sorry about before." she stared. "sorry for what?" she asked. his eyes flickered away from her face. "for calling you love."

her eyes widened. "oh. you don't have to apologize. i didn't absolutely hate it. the bats in my stomach made it rather unenjoyable though."

xavier looked back at her. "you- you didn't?" wednesday stared him in the eyes, once again, bedazzling. "no. i do wish we could be more than friends, but i really must find the stalke-"

she was silenced by his lips on hers.

she kissed back and he opened his body language up to her more as she did the same. xavier's hands made it to her waist and back and her hands were on both sides of his face.

he slowly pulled away with a giddy grin on his face. wednesday's eyes never left his as she clumsily mumbled "i should be going. goodnight, xavier."

she then proceeded to quickly give him a peck on the lips before leaving.

xavier was soaring.

were they back together? he didn't know.

would this mean anything for their future? he didn't know.

would wednesday absolutely act like he didn't exist for a month after this? he didn't know.

all he knew was that he was in love with wednesday addams and she'd kissed him back. and then kissed him again.

and he loved it.

a new beginning, wavierWhere stories live. Discover now