You're Too Obvious

Start from the beginning

"You can't help what? Staring at my face?"

"I-I mean.. it is very good looking." Izuku mumbled out a little shakily, quiet too. But the blond beard him. He knew cause he saw his eyes widen a bit from the corner of his eye. "Don't say shit like that outta nowhere, damn nerd." Katsuki tried his best to prevent his cheeks from going changing to a red, there was no way he was gonna let the shorter boy notice that he made Katsuki blush.

"I didn't say it out of nowhere! I was just justifying why I was staring at it."

Though Katsuki might've looked annoyed at his little compliment, but deep down, he felt a little better about himself knowing that the greenette had at least found his face attractive. He wouldn't admit that to anyone though, not even himself.

And the rest of their early jogging, was just then two of them chatting, talking about all sorts of stuff. Sometimes even the most random things too. Actually, it was more of Izuku talking half the time, or asking questions. The blond would just listen, and answer them.

Izuku found out that they actually used to live in the same neighborhood, before he moved. He remembered seeing the blond running out everyday with his friends to a park right down the street, and his mother would follow him shortly behind, complaining about how careless he is, from the way he was crossing the road and not checking the sides for cars. Izuku found it funny.

He remembered staring at them go and come back to their home sometimes, having the urge to talk to the blond. But he was intimidated by the way he acted. He was very bossy back then, he nodded around all his friends, talked back to his mom, started cursing —not exactly, though. He just mainly used the words "heck" and "crap" since those were his favorite at the time, and he thought those were cool, until he learned all the other ones—

Izuku thought back to the time where he faintly  remembered Katsuki telling his mom how badly he wanted to use the bathroom. "NO! I need to crap!! Right now!!" He said, or the time where he didn't want to go to the grocery store. "NO! I DON'T wanna hecking go!!" Watching the scene from his window made the greenette giggle.

Inko has tried to help Izuku talk to him, but he never mustered up the courage to even go ten feet near the kid, and before he could try for more, the blond moved. He seemed so scary, and rude.. but funny to watch, though. He didn't even smile, which made kid Izuku think he was a real baddie, and one of those people who rival aganist the main character.

Come to think of it, Izuku still hadn't ever seen him smile.

"Can you even smile, Kacchan?" He asked, Katsuki eyed him, "Why do you want me to?" He responded with a question thrown back at him. "I just wanna see! I haven't ever seen it, not back then, not now."

"I don't smile for Dekus like you," Katsuki rolled his eyes, "You're not worth it." He ended.

Okay, that hurt.

Izuku knew he probably didn't mean that, probably. But if he isn't worth it, then he'll work to make himself worth it, it's okay.

"Then mark my words! I'll make you smile before this year ends."  Izuku wore that determined look again, Oh how Katsuki hated that, but sort of like it at the same time. "You sure? It's really hard, I don't smile for anyone." Katsuki felt himself internally smirk.

"I'm sure! Just watch me, Kacchan."

"I don't know Deku, you might wanna rethink this, I'm really competitive." Katsuki teased.

"Are you subconsciously backing off a challenge, Kacchan?" Izuku found himself smirking to one side, he overtook the blond, going ahead of him, and started back-running right in front of him, so he could see the blond front-facing. If anything, Izuku found out that Katsuki loves it when people challenge him, since he's really competitive. "Oh, you're on, Deku." Izuku's smirk just grew, "I kne-AAA-"

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