The beginning

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When my cheating boyfriend asked me if I wanted to go to Lowe's, a downtown bar mostly filled with jocks and the stereotypical "too-pretty-for-you" girls on a Friday night, I said why not? If I wanted to confront my boyfriend for his unloyal ways, why not have the drinking courage? He'll need it anyways. The playful screams of everyone around me, starts hurting my head. I sit there silently wishing every noise would stop as i prepare to tell him we're over. Devin and I have been together for 6 months, and although caring and loving as he is, I could care less about ending it with him, yes I might have cried a lot when I found out about a week ago but not one ounce of my being will cry over a pathetic man like him again. The cheering of the guys when the baseball team wins again pulls me from my thoughts, I gather my courage and turn over to finally speak with Devin. What I don't expect is for him to be on one knee with a box in his filthy hands. I freeze. Everything stops, my heart, the sounds of people gasping and cheering as they realize what he's doing. My breath comes out in a huff.

Great... Just what I needed. I say to myself.

"Lana Barlowe, would you do me the honour of-"

"No," I say quickly, cutting him off. "No Devin, just... just get up"

He looks devastated and embarrassed as he gets up with a frown.

Good for him.

Putting on my best fake confidence and snarkiness I start.

"Devin can I ask you something..." I say pretending to show sympathy, cocking my head to the side for effect. All I feel is rage. He wants to marry me when not even a week ago he had his dick in his secretary and I had to find out from the explicit photos and messages on his phone.

"Y-yeah.." he stutters looking around with nervousness and worry in his gaze. Everyone around us is staring attentively, waiting to know what I say next. Everything is silent. No one cares for the game anymore, all gazes are stuck on me and Devin.

"Do you love me, Devin?" I say after a few minutes have passed. Devin looks surprised by the sudden question and nods quickly, he tries to step forward but I put my hand up to stop him.

"No you don't Devin and you don't want to marry me, why would I possibly want to marry someone that cheated on me more times than I can count? From what I've heard and read, you've been busy haven't you Devin?" I say, cocking my head and watching as his confused expression turns into one of horror and anger. Shocked gasps surround us. Devin steps back and his face turns bright red. One thing about Devin is you never want to make him angry, especially when he's been drinking but what upsets him more than that is humiliation. No one humiliates Devin Gastrell. Well, except for me, I know he's fuming inside and I wait cautiously for him to burst. What surprises me most is instead of getting angry he just acts dumb... As always.

"Lana... I don't know what you're talking about... I would never cheat on you" he says nervously and even though I know he's lying I stay silent for a while making his shoulders deflate in relief, most likely thinking I believed his little lie. His shoulders tense up as I step up to him, feigning confidence although I'm a big ball of emotions inside he doesn't need to know that.

"Oh poor, poor pathetic Devin, you think I don't have proof? I had a lot to talk about with... What was her name again" I say. "Emily was it? Your secretary... You're pathetic for thinking I'd accuse you of cheating without having any proof, you're a sad man Devin, I feel bad for you to be quite honest." I say. His chest rises and falls rapidly as his anger builds, I pushed too far, and his poor ego can't take any more. He lifts his hand and slaps me across the face and mutters "bitch" under his breath. Suddenly I'm pushed back and all I can hear is screaming. I take a glance at Devin and see a man toppled over him and throwing punch after punch to his face. My cheek stings from where it was hit, I stand there frozen not understanding what just happened. When someone screams for security my defendant stands over Devin with what can only be a snarl on his face, although the man's features seem familiar the dark light in the bar hides his identity. The man picks up Devin by the collar and spits directly on his face.

"If you ever, ever touch her again, I swear to god I'll kill you," he says throwing another punch directly to Devin's nose. The crunch of his nose could be heard from where I was standing and the morbid sound sends a shiver of disgust down my spine. Security rushes to the random man and holds him down as police officers enter the crowded bar. Someone must have called them I think to myself. When the police put the man in handcuffs, he turned his head with a grin and looked directly at me. I freeze.

Holy fucking shit. The man responsible for defending me is none other than the incredibly hot and disrespectful asshole Ace Bennet. Who I've loved for 4 years. My boss...

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