"The point of what?"

"Of learning how to control my abilities," Audrey said, biting her lip. "Like, aside from making sure I don't accidentally blow something up. What difference will it make?"

Welkin frowned. "I feel as though I'm missing something. Shouldn't that be—"

They stopped abruptly. Their eyes combed the forest just beyond the fire's glow. Something about their sudden focus on something she couldn't see sent a chill down Audrey's spine. She opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, but Welkin waved a hand, signaling for her to stay quiet as they rose to their feet.

"Show yourself," Welkin demanded of the shadows. "I know you're there."

If they were afraid of whatever was out there, Audrey couldn't tell. Perhaps it was their fearlessness that allowed her to stay calm. Her mind churned curiously, wondering how Welkin knew they weren't alone. Had they heard something? Sensed something in the breeze? Whatever the tell was, Audrey had missed it.

The peaceful night sounds were drowned out by a deep, smokey laugh that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. The hairs on the back of Audrey's neck stood on end as she looked instinctively to Welkin for reassurance. She noticed a nearly imperceptible smile tug at one corner of Welkin's mouth.

"No need to use that tone with me, oh golden one," said the voice in the trees. Welkin rolled their eyes.

"What is that?" Audrey hissed.

The voice laughed again. Audrey heard the rustling of foliage and footfalls that advanced slowly, deliberately closer. Suddenly, something materialized from the gloom; a silvery white figure standing out in stark contrast against the dark forest. Audrey blinked and shook her head, trying to make sense of what she was seeing as the creature slinked into the open. It looked a bit like a mountain lion, which set off alarm bells in her mind, but its coat was silver. Tufts of downy soft fur extended off the tips of its ears, and a glossy mane hung regally around its shoulders and down its chest. A pair of magenta eyes stared unblinking from the creature's massive head, its sights locked on Audrey with unwavering intensity. To Audrey's enormous shock, the creature rose up onto its powerful hind legs and stood humanlike on the other side of the campfire. Then, it smiled at her.

"Apologies for not announcing myself sooner," said the giant cat with its sharp-toothed grin. "You were so deep in concentration, and I didn't want to interrupt."

Audrey's mouth fell open. "What the fu—"

"Emandi," Welkin said, speaking over her. They folded their long arms across their chest and narrowed their gaze with an expression that was difficult to read. "This certainly is a surprise."

"A pleasant one, I'm sure," replied Emandi with obvious delight. Crouching back onto all fours, the giant cat padded swiftly around the fire to Audrey, who jumped to her feet with her heart in her throat. Her primal instincts screamed at her to run from such a colossal predator, but it was her trust in Welkin that kept her rooted to the spot. Even on all fours, the top of Emandi's head came up to her shoulders. She held her breath and watched their long whiskers twitch as they gave her an inquisitive sniff.

"Well, well," Emandi drawled, their magenta eyes twinkling with mirth in the firelight. They sat back on their haunches and lifted their gaze to Welkin, who stiffened under the scrutiny. "It seems you have some explaining to do, old friend."

Welkin balked. "I don't have to explain anything to—"

But the creature ignored Welkin's indignation. They had turned their attention back to Audrey and held a strangely dexterous paw out to her. "I am Emandi. Who might you be?"

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