Check & Mate

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*10:37 AM*

"This new M.O. change has told me more information about the killer than he probably realizes. Firstly, let me recap what we already know. Unsub is early to late 20's, likely had familial issues regarding abuse or some other similar circumstance, sees society and people in general as fake, and is almost certainly a loner psychopath. Just to be clear, I'm surprised he didn't leave a message sooner than now. An individual who is as meticulous and clean as he is usually enjoys relishing in the chase from law enforcement, oftentimes mocking us or even trying to get caught." (Y/n) paused as she looked around the room, making eye contact with various detectives and fellow investigators. There were a few police officers as well, but very few, since not a lot of people could be trusted with this information without contacting the media. "I believe the message is in relation to my press conference from yesterday morning, since he references me thinking I know him. I have strong suspicions that the unsub will now begin ramping up his killings. This will be to get a reaction out of me, especially, in an attempt to see if I can successfully identify him as I claimed."

As a hand raised, the investigator pointed at the police officer with question. "Do you really think he would be willing to risk making mistakes for the sake of trying to prove you wrong?"

With a nod, the woman responded. "I do. Since psychopaths have a complete lack of regard for others, he'd rather take us down with him than to never get caught. He wants the fame and glory along with being a killer. Through this note," (Y/n) gestured towards the photo upon the board before continuing, "he unknowingly told us that he will be amping up further. It is likely at this point that he will attempt to interject himself into the investigation. If not, then he may watch from afar in person. It's important to increase patrols within the area. Are there any questions?" As the woman continued to answer question after question, she couldn't help but wonder when he would make his next move. It's clear that this is a checkmate in chess; the real question is, who wants to win more? Who is checking whom?

*12:13 PM*

There were only so many times that (Y/n) could continue to read the same reports and stare at the same crime scene photos before needing a break. Deciding to take a walk, the woman walked out of the police station she had been set up in for the past few weeks, and began to walk to the coffee shop 15 minutes down the road. Heels clicking onto the pavement, the woman distracted herself by staring down at her phone, deciding to relax with some social media. Approaching a crosswalk with a solid red hand, the girl stopped in her tracks, continuing to stare at her phone while waiting for the walk sign to turn. Wow, this is a really long light. Deciding to put her phone away, the woman pulled her blazer closer to her body, feeling chilly.

Examining her surroundings, she saw a couple holding hands while laughing from across the street. (Y/n) softly smiled at this, thinking back to her past of what could've been. Everything happens for a reason, I shouldn't overthink my decision. An unwelcoming chill went down her spine, suddenly making the woman feel as though doom was looming over her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a tall man beside her with a white hoodie pulled over his head. Discreetly staring at him, she realized she couldn't see his face, but saw long black hair that went past his shoulders with hands in his sweatshirt pockets. The best career advice I've ever gotten... always trust your gut. Mine is telling me this man is up to no good. Narrowing her eyes before opening her mouth to speak, she was cut off as the man spoke first.

"Ladies first," a deep, husky voice said to her. Looking at the crossing sign, she realized it was time to walk across. Giving one last glance to the man, the woman hesitantly allowed herself to walk with the man close behind. Perhaps she knew from the moment she laid eyes on him, but (Y/n) wasn't dumb; on the contrary, she was very intelligent and observant. So, she wasn't surprised in the least that he had followed her all the way to the coffee shop on purpose. She didn't mind, because although it was hidden, she was armed and ready any time. The woman was taken aback when he did not follow her in, however, instead opting to turn back around the way they just were and leaving her alone. Being so open about following me? Hmm... interesting. With an intrigued smirk, the woman ordered her coffee, assuming they would meet again soon.

Author's Note: Hello! I'm announcing a month-long hiatus from writing starting now. University starts back up for me on Monday, and between that and having work, I need some time to focus. I assure you that I will be back in exactly 1 month. In the meantime, check out my Eyeless Jack story! Once I return from my break, my regular upload days will be every Friday. I'll see you soon!! :)

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