past and present love

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3rd pov

Sasuke and Mebuki both sat down in the Hokages office in silence.

"Listen Mebuki, why do you refuse to agree? The world is changing." Sasuke asked the woman.

"Sasuke-kun, you were married to a had a child with that woman.'re suddenly dating a man, it's so confusing." Mebuki explained. Sasuke looked at her and sighed heavily.

"Did you know, I dated Naruto before all of this? Before Sakura..." Sasuke spoke up.

"What!" Mebuki flinched.

"Obviously it has to end because of stupid rules...but throughout that time I dated him, I had been so happy. Now, I'm not saying that I wasn't happy with Sakura...but...I'll have you know...Sakura knew all about my love for Naruto. Yet, she loved me enough to cover our relationship. I'll never be able to thank her. Mebuki...there are other people around the village who are stuck in not so lucky relationships because they can't be themselves. Don't take that away from me or others." Sasuke looked at the woman. Mebuki sighed as she shook her head at Sasuke.

"Listen...I know all about you and Sakuras deal...I dont really care for others sexual orientation....the reason why I disagreed with everyone else...was to avenge Sakuras feelings. I always wanted her to live a long happy life with someone she loved...the day she told me about your situation, I told her to not get involved. Yet...she said this will be her only shot to be with the guy she loves...even though he could never give her real true love. The day she passed...I hated you Sasuke...I hated Sakura for choosing you...the day Naruto became Hokage, he tried to pass that law...but if I were to agree...where was the justice for my daughter in that. I refused for all these years...and to those who did get married...they were never officially married. Now, you can hate me for it...but just remember the way I felt about the fact my daughter married a man who already gave his heart away." Mebuki looked at Sasuke with tears.

Sasuke flinched as he didn't know what to say to the crying woman.

"I'm sorry Sasuke...but that's where I stood for a long time..." Mebuki sighed.

"Wait...stood?" Sasuke questioned.

"...I'll agree to the law change...but its not my fault for the feedback you're gonna get...goodbye, Sasuke." Mebuki stood up and left the room with nothing else to stay.

Time skip

Everyone sat in silence as Sasuke walked out of the office.

"Is everything okay?" Naruto walked up to Sasuke.

"Yeah...she agreed to sign. Let's go home." Sasuke smiled as he walked away. Naruto blushed as he felt excitement burst into his heart. He got up and thanked everyone, before leaving with his boyfriend.

As the two walked out hand in hand, everyone looked at them with love, or confusion in their eyes. Sasuke was a bit flustered fron guess unnecessary attention, but Naruto was smiling all the way home, knowing that he could do all the things he wants to do with Sasuke openly.


"Dad! Papa!" Sarada smiled as she ran up to them. Hinata and the others looked to see the happy couple hug their daughter. Hinata smiled with relief as she got up and walked up to Naruto.

"Thanks for watching them Hinata." Naruto smiled.

"With pleasure Naruto-kun." Hinata blushed.

"I guess we'll be on our way! Bye bye daddy! See you and big brother soon!" Himawari smiled as she waved. Hinata looked back at Naruto and slowly reached out to him. Before he could do anything, Naruto was embraced by the women. Sasuke glared while Kiba flinched.

"Thank you Naruto...I'll be going now." Hinata smiled as she walked out with her husband and daughter. Naruto and Sasuke both watched as the family disappeared.

" everything okay?" Boruto asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. Now it's time for chores! Cmon!" Naruto demanded as hall three kids whined. Sasuke smiled as he sat down and relaxed while the kids cleaned around him.

Time skip

"Would you look at that, our house was never this clean before! Good job." Naruto smiled at the proud kids. He then looked over at Sasuke who was sleeping on the couch.


"Now get out, go get some training."


All three kids were then pushed out of the house to go and train.

"OI WHATS THE BIG IDEA OLD MAN!?" Boruto yelled out to his dad who didn't reply back.

"That bastard." Kawaki blushed since he knew what they were about to do.

"I guess we should go and train..." Sarada shrugged as she kept walking. Boruto bluhsed as he realized what that meant.

"Lets go see if Mitsuki wants to join!"


"Ah! Ack?! Watch it you loser!" Sasuke blushed while Naruto was on top of him.

"Im sorry Sasuke, I'm just so happy right now! I get to finally show you off to the village....I get to show off the person I love." Naruto smiled as he grinned into Sasuke deeper.

"Aaaa! Don't say things like that!" Sasuke moaned out, trying to hold every sound in.

"Gosh...You're so're body is so smooth and your scent haunts me...Don't you ever leave now...or else I might die." Naruto spoke softly as he kissed Sasuke behind the ear and neck.

"Cmon Sasuke...please...say it for me." Naruto panted as he went faster.

Sasuke melted into his voice and the creaks of the bed. Sasuke was then turned around to be faced towards Naruto.


"Say it Sasuke." Naruto smiled.

"...I love you Naruto." Sasuke blushed as he felt butterflies release from his stomach.

"I'm so happy too..."

Time skip

"35....36....37....38" Boruto counted as he did his sit ups while Mitsuki held his ankles.

"'re so active Boruto! It amazes me." Mitsuki smiled while Boruto blushed since he got to get really close to Mitsuki.


Mitsuki looked at him and wondered something.

"Boruto....eveytime were together, you're always blushing."

"Mitsuki, I'm trying to count, 50..."

"When people blush, it usually means they're near something that makes them happy or embarrassed."


" like me?"

"GAH?! NO! 58! 59! 60! 61!"



Once Boruto lifted himself up, he was met with Mitsuki's lips brush against his, resulting in a small peck. The boy stopped while Mitsuki smiled.

"I like usually too!"


Thanks for reading!

Sincerely Author<3

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