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3rd pov


Naruto played around with Sasuke's hair as he watched the raven snooze. He looked at his body and felt around, it was lukewarm. Sasuke felt Narutos hand on his waist. The raven turned around and saw Naruto smiling.

"Creep much?" Sasuke furrowed his brows. Naruto laughed as he kissed Sasuke on the head and snuggled closer.

"Last night was fun." Naruto blushed.

"Sure..." Sasuke blushed as he turned around. Naruto looked at him and noticed a scar on his shoulder.

"When did you get this?" Naruto asked as he felt the scars indent. Sasuke frowned as he turned around.

"When me and Sakura went on our first date...well, I wouldn't have called it a date, it only lasted 2 minuets...I got called out for a mission. During that mission I fell into a trench that the enemy recklessness got me stabbed by my own kunai..." Sasuke put his hand on top of Narutos. Naruto frowned as he heard her name.

"Sasuke...I want to show you something...lets get ready. I'll call Shikamaru to watch things." Naruto said as he got up. Sasuke watched the naked man grabbed a towel.

"Join me."

Time skip

"Dad! You're not at work?" Boruto asked as Kawaki served breakfast.

"No, you kids go to training, we'll be back for lunch." Naruto said as he put his shoes on.

" it okay if we train when you get back?" Sarada blushed. Sasuke softly smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, in a bit."

And so...

Naruto and Sasuke went across Konoha village, where Naruto would buy things like flowers and a picture frame.

"Why are we buying a frame? Do you have a picture to hang up?" Sasuke questioned as he looked at the light grey frame. Naruto grabbed it and placed it inside him bag. He then gave Sasuke a small smile.

"You'll know when we get there."

Block after block, Sasuke slowly started to realize where Naruto was bringing him.

Once they made it to a fimiliar site, Sasuke stopped in his tracks. Naruto turned around and sighed.


"What are we doing here?" Sasuke furrowed his brows. Naruto didnt say anything as he continued up the path.

"Didn't I tell you...I told myself I would never come over here!" Sasuke shouted. When he noticed that Naruto was still making his way to the grave site, he had no choice but to follow. Once he entered the gates of the dead, he couldn't help but feel nauseated when he saw many Uchiha crests on gravestones. He saw Naruto stand by a particular grave.

Naruto placed down the things he had bought at the markets. He placed the flowers down, as well as grabbing the frame he had purchased. Naruto then grabbed a picture from his pocket and placed it inside of the frame.

 Naruto then grabbed a picture from his pocket and placed it inside of the frame

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"She was so beautiful...wasn't she?" Naruto smiled softly. Sasuke did not make a sound as he stared at the picture.

"Her kind heart, yet powerful spirit...Sakura is something else." Naruto chuckled as he sat down.

"What are we doing here?" Sasuke frowned as he felt his heart sink.

"I'm tired Sasuke...I want to rest...sometimes I can't I come up here and talk to her...until I feel better. I want you to try it out...I want you to feel closure." Naruto explained. Sasuke flinched as he looked at Sakura's gravestone. Naruto then got up and kissed Sasuke on the cheek.

"I'll be waiting at home for you...tell me everything later." Naruto smiled as he walked back home. Sasuke watched as Naruto left the cemetery. He then looked back at the grave and sighed.

"I've been waiting for quite some time for me to get up here, sorry. I promised myself I would never come up here, sorry again. It's peaceful here isn't it? Quiet...isolated...I guess you wouldn't be alone have everyone here." Sasuke looked at the frame awkwardly and sat down.

"To be frank...I find this kinda stupid...I're gone. I'm talking to a frame...a grave. Listen...I made many mistakes when I was younger. The forest mistake I made...was falling in love with Naruto. The second mistake was obviously dragging you into it. After that...mistake after another...I couldn't help but envy the love and kindness you were able to share with others. The love you gave me...I just threw away like it was nothing. I was so fixated on ny revenge...I didn't realize how much I was hurting you and Naruto. For that I am sorry. However...I will never be sorry for being in love with well as making you my wife. I'll have you know...I do love much. I'm glad you were the mother of my child....I'm glad you were the one to repair the hole in my heart...even though you didn't fill it up entirely. I point is...Thank you for everything. If only I could've saved you...maybe...things would have been different." Sasuke felt his eyes become sore and weak, like tears were threatening to fall down.

He then looked inside of his pocket to reveal his old ring. The raven then looked at the flowers and calmed down.

"In life I couldn't give you I hope in death...this can bring you at full peace...and maybe closure for me. Maybe this is mainly for me...I just want to move on from this." Sasuke then put the damaged ring onto the flowers stems, making them stay together. Sasuke felt every guilt he had leave him. For once in his life, he felt complete calmness. Sasuke couldn't help but smile as he felt the wind puck up. He then looked at Sakura picture one last time before bowing to her.

"I guess I never really said this much to you...but I love you Sakura...I'll always will. But...I apologize that...I can't help but feel so happy...that I have Naruto in my life once again. I promise that I'll take care of our daughter with my life. Okay...I'm going to go now...this will be my only visit...I am healed and no longer have the need to come back. Rest well Sakura...this is goodbye." Sasuke got up and took one last look at his wife's picture, before leaving the cemetery for good.

Sasuke felt his hearts beat at a slow pace. He was finally at a peaceful mind state...


I am so sorry! I've been so busy...I forgot about this-

I'm back though!!

Thanks for reading!

Sincerely Author<3

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