Watch out Naruto

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3rd pov

The next day

Sasuke walked towards the Hokage estate, bringing Naruto lunch. As he was walking, he noticed people staring at him and whispering. He felt many eyes on him and the feeling of judgment hit him. Suddenly, he came across Mebuki who walked up to him.

"Mebuki.." Sasuke looked at the distressed woman.

"Sasuke! Please tell me its not true!" Mebuki frowned.

"What is?" Sasuke asked.
Mebuki placed her hand on his shoulder before whispering to him.

"You're not in a same sex relationship with the Hokage, are you?"

Sasuke flinched he looked to see everyone staring at him. He slowly backed away and disappeared from the crowed.

Once he made it to Naruto's office, he heard voices coming from the room.

"Naruto, what's going on-" Sasuke opened the door to see the village elders and Naruto with Shikamaru.

"Sasuke!" Naruto jumped as he was packing his things up.

"Whats going on here!" Sasuke frowned.

"Naruto will be suspended of his position until further notice! We can't have a Hokage who breaks the law." One of the elders spoke out. Shikamaru frowned as he spoke out.

"If I may, but Naruto passed the law for same sex marriages! How is he breaking a law?" Shikamaru asked.

"Because every law has to be signed by every council member, there is one person who did not sign it!" The elders explained.

"Who?" Sasuke asked.


Everyone turned around to see Mebuki at the door.

"You're a part of the council?" Sasuke flinched while the old woman nodded.

"I'm sorry Sasuke...but this goes against many people's beliefs! Including mine! I don't want others being judged and hate upon just because of their sexual orientation!" Mebuki defended.

"So you choose to oppress their feelings?" Sasuke furrowed his brows.

"Sasuke-kun! What that is! It's not love! You're only are grieving because of you're wife!" Mebuki stated. Sasuke flinched as he stomped his foot hard.

"You have no right to speak for me! You don't know what I feel or think! Sakura has nothing to do with the fact that I'm dating the Hokage!" Sasuke roared at Mebuki who flinched. Naruto grabbed Sasuke and held him back.

"Sasuke, you need to calm down! This won't make anything better if you're just yelling!" Naruto explained. Sasuke looked to see Shikamaru agreeing and then at Mebuki who looked like she was about to cry. Sasuke started to walk away as he said nothing.


"Are you getting weird looks?" Kawaki asked Sarada who looked around the village.

"Yeah...I feel like everyone's looking at us." Sarada frowned.

"Awww, you poor things." A lady and her husband walked up to the kids.

"Excuse me?" Kawaki questioned.

"You guys are growing up without a mother...but two fathers. That's not right...I feel bad for you." The women frowned while the husband agreed.

"What?! Lady, what are you talking about?! Who cares?" Sarada frowned while Kawaki glared at them.

"You guys will live with no love, but strictness." The lady spoke out. Sarada couldn't beleive what she was hearing.

"You wouldn't know that! Leave these kids alone?!" Two women walked up to the lady who was harrasing them.

"You are no expert in what's right or wrong! You shouldn't be putting your opinion on these children!" One of the ladies yelled while her wife agreed.

"Of course two gays would say that! Or should I say lesbians!" The woman stuck out her tongue.

"You are not fit for today's society!"

"You are not fit to stay in the village!?"

Both ladies started fighting, which made everyone around them argue about their opinions.

Sarada and Kawaki took this chance to run back home. Boruto watched as everyone was fighting. He then got up and made his way in the opposite direction of Sarada and Kawaki...

Time skip

The Inuzuka house

Boruto walked up to the door of his mother's and step fathers home. He knocked on the door, hoping his mom would open.

"Hello?" Kiba answered the door to see a frowned Boruto.

"Oh hey kiddo! You here to visit?" Kiba smiled as he stepped aside to let Boruto in.

"No...I just want to talk to my mom." Boruto said as he walked in.

"Oh...right. she's in the kitchen." Kiba frowned as he pointed at the kitchen. Boruto walked towards the direction of his mother, ready for anything.

"Mom!" Boruto caught the attention of the lady who was cooking.

"Boruto! Welcome back! Sit down, you and Kiba can eat first." Hinata smiled as she was serving out the dishes.

"I didn't come here to eat...I came here to ask you a question." Boruto spoke rudely.

"Oh okay, what is it?" Hinata questioned. Boruto sighed heavily before looking at his concerned mother.

"Why did you tell everyone was gay?" Boruto questioned. Hinata flinched as she looked at Boruto confused.

"I never said anything...sure I was shocked that he was with Sasuke-kun but-"

"You had to say something!!! Or else the whole village would not be fighting like this!" Boruto teared up as he felt very angry for his father.

"Boruto! You know that I would never to anything to-"

"I can't forgive you for this! How can you do that to my dad's family! How!" Boruto shouted. Hinata teared up as she looked down as the food. Boruto huffed as he realized what he just said to his own mother.


"I think it's best if you go Boruto..." Hinata cried as she sat down. Kiba walked in and comfort the crying woman.

"M-mom I-"

"BORUTO! DO AS YOUR TOLD!" Hinata cried as she held onto Kiba. Boruto fornwed as he slowly got up and left the house. Himawari watched as she saw Boruto running out.

"Big brother..."


Everyone sat at home in a awkward silence. Sarada looked to see her dad in distress.

"What will happen to Dad if he gets fired?" Sarada asked.

"...he'll probably get fired....and a new Hokage will be chosen." Sasuke spoke quietly. Everyone sat in silence as they heard Naruto opening the door with all of his office stuff. Without saying anything, Naruto walked towards his room and started placing all of his things back.

Not long after, Boruto came back home with a guilty look. Kawaki looked at his brother and sighed.

"Idiot...shut the door."

"Right..." Boruto stated as he turned around.

He then stopped in his tracks to see someone at the door.

"Well? Shut it."



I am back!!!

Thanks for reading!

Sincerely Author<3

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