A day out with Papa

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3rd pov

"Hehe! You're fixing your hair for today?" Cho Cho teased. Sarada flinched as she put on her glasses.

"What do you mean!? I always fix my hair!" Sarada blushed. The girls laughed while Sarada sighed.

"Alright we should be off. Cya!" Sumire smiled as her and Cho Cho walked off.

"Ready?" Sasuke opened the door slowly. Sarada looked at her dad and frowned.

"Whatever...." Sarada mumbled.

The two stayed making their way down to train and hangout.

Sasuke wanted to take this chance to redeem himself while Sarada was looking for answers...

Time skip

Sarada leaded Sasuke around the new and improved village. They didn't talk much but didn't hate it.

"So...do you like tomatoes?" Sasuke asked awkwardly.

"Um...no....actually I hate them. Onigiri's okay sometimes." Sarada answered. Sasuke sighed at the fact that his daughter wasn't too fond of tomatoes and Onigiri, his favorite food.

"So what do you like?" Sasuke asked another question.

"Nothing special I guess...I mean I like reading and my favorite memory would be sharing a bowl with my father-" Sarada stopped in pure shock as she turned around to look at Sasuke.

"I...I didn't mean to..." Sarada panicked at the fact that she just said that. She then felt Sasuke's hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see his face expression was the same.

"Lets go somewhere..." Sasuke walked in front of Sarada.


Boruto sat in a tree as he stared at the Hokage foyer. The boy played around with his kunai and started scratching the bark of the tree.

"Hello!" Mitsuki popped his head out from the leaves.

"GAH!?" Boruto fell off the tree from the suprise greeting.

"Boruto!" Mitsiki used his stretchy arms to catch Boruto.

"Mitsuki..." Boruto blushed as he was lifted up.

"Heh you gotta be careful. And as a ninja you always have to be alert!" Mitsuki smiled.

"Thanks..." Boruto frowned as he continued to scratch the bark.

"Hey are you okay?" Mitsiki asked.

"Huh? I'm perfectly fine!" Boruto sat up straight.

"...you know if you just sit here and sulk...you won't be able to move on from it." Mitsuki explained.

"Yeah I know...but...its just...hard to imagine my father being in love with someone who is the exact opposite of my mother. My mother is kind...Sasuke's kind of cold hearted. When I first met him he left me on the train alone. To be honest he's really cool. I don't care if my dad is gay or Bi...Its just hard to get it through my mind that my mother and dad won't get back together...ever." Boruto felt a tear form.

Mitsuki looked at Boruto and smiled. He then embraced the boy and sighed.

"Sai-san says that hugging a friend is a good way to help them through difficult times....at least he read it from somewhere..." mitsuki smiled. Boruto blushed as he layed his head into the hug.


Hokage office

Naruto yawned as he continued dividing up missions. Shikamaru was also organizing some reports and making sure Naruto did not fall asleep.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal Boruto.

"Son! What are you doing here? It's your day off." Naruto questioned.

"...I need to talk to you now..." Boruto pouted.

"But...I'm working." Naruto excused.

"Meet me at the training fields..." Boruto then closed the door.

Konoha lake

Sarada looked around to see couples and families.

"Um...why are we here?" Sarada asked. Sasuke never answered her and just kept walking.

Sarada was then puzzled when they stopped at a bench near the lake. Sasuke sat down and invited Sarada to sit with him.

"Whats this place?" Sarada asked.

"...Its where me and your mother went on are first date." Sasuke looked at Sarada. The girl flinched as she looked at her dad. Sarada then remembered the picture she had of old team 7.

"Um...can I ask you something?...How did you and mother...fall in love?" Sarada blushed. Sasuke looked at his daughter and softly sighed.

"Your mother...she always loved me. But for me...I was drawn to someone else...I was in love with someone already at the time..." Sasuke stated.

"Really? Who was that?" Sarada asked. Sasuke looked at Sarada and pulled out a picture. Sarada stared at it and realized who he meant.

"You...were in love with the the Hokage...."


Sarada looked up to Sasuke and took a deep breath.

"Tell me more..."


Naruto and Boruto both met up and started talking about meaningless things. Naruto already knew what this was about so he just played along.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Naruto asked.

"I think you know..." Boruto frowned.

"Right...what about it..." Naruto looked at his son.

"...How can you be in love with someone so different from mom?" Boruto asked.

"I'm not so sure...its a long story...but...Your mother loved me her whole life. She was always there when she needed to be. She sacrificed her safety to help me during the attack on Konoha...while I was head over heels for someone else. I couldn't stop looking at Sasuke...I was obsessed for his approval...I wanted to be equal to him because he was always alone...and so was I. I wanted him to look at me the same way. So much that I never noticed Hinata. When Sasuke left...I felt so heartbroken...but I knew that...I have to be the one to save him...." Naruto then looked over to Boruto.

"You wanna know more?"



Sarada felt like she was about to cry when Sasuke explained how he felt at the time.

"Of course...with me being the last Uchiha...I felt the darkness surround me...I hated everyone and so...I left. I wanted revenge...I urged to kill the person who hurt me. I was so blind that I started to hurt the ones I love." Sasuke frowned. Sarada pouted as she slowly breathed.

"What about mom...did...you leave her too?"

"Yes...She tried to stop me that night. I didn't want to hear her opinion...her feelings...over the years she would always be with Naruto....trying to stop me. Yet...All I could think of was myself." Sasuke frowned.

"But...how did...You come back?" Sarada asked. Sasuke flinched as he looked at his daughter.

"Well...It was Naruto. My first love." Sasuke smiled.

"You're first." Sarada blushed.

"Yeah...Back then I was always quiet. I never talked to anyone...but he always did."

Sarada noticed the faint expression on Sasuke's face. It was like he was at peace...in love when he spoke about Naruto. Sarada thought to herself and realized something.

"...You loved mom...but...You were never in love with her...were you.."


Thanks for reading!

Sincerely Author<3

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