Stop talking and Start kissing

801 31 3

3rd pov

Sasuke slowly started to open up to the Uzumaki family. He cooked, cleaned, and even trained with Kawaki, Boruto and Sarada. He practiced on his social skills so he could even participate in the family activities that happened around the village.

"Hey Sasuke! Can you go buy some rice? We have no more in the cabinet." Naruto asked politely.

"Yeah fact, give me a list and I'll just buy whatever we need." Sasuke offered as he was getting ready. Naruto nodded and looked around the kitchen and house essentials. Not long after, Naruto gave Sasuke a list of things they needed. As Naruto was handing Sasuke the list, he pulled Sasuke in.

"Hey...when are you going on that date with me? You still owe me one." Naruto smirked as he felt around Sasuke's torso. Sasuke blushed as he slolwy backed away.

"Um...I'm good...I dint want to." Sasuke excused himself out.


Sasuke thought about what had just happened as he was picking up different things for the house.

"Lets see...we need salmon...okay." Sasuke looked around and spotted big salmon slices. As he was about to pick them up he felt a hand also grab them.

"Ah- excuse me, I had this first." Sasuke looked up and flinched when he saw a fimiliar face. The woman's face widened as she also stared at Sasuke.

"Mebuki..." Sasuke spoke.

" that Sasuke?" Mebuki teared up. Sasuke slowly nodded as the women ran up and hugged him.

Time skip

The two caught up whole they both were buying food.

"So where are you living currently? Since you married Sakura, you are welcomed to stay at the Haruno House!" Mebuki offered. Sasuke looked at her and thought about it.

"Are you sure?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh of course! You see, because you are part of our family, you can come and live my house! I won't he living there long...I am moving to my sister's old home. So the house can be all yours! I'll finally get to see Sarada too!" Mebuki teared. Sasuke flinched as he leaned towards the lady.

" never saw Sarada?" Sasuke asked.

"Not these years no. The last time I saw her was when Naruto became Hokage. She never bothered to come and visit. It broke my heart knowing that Sarada is already a genin! I am way too busy to go over to her place...well it'll all be over once you take custody over Sarada now!" Mebuki smiled. Sasuke then frowned when he realized what Mebuki just said.

"What? Custody?"

"Oh! You didn't know. Naruto adopted Sarada legally. He has full custody over her." Mebuki explained.

Sasuke stood there and thought about what Naruto said to Sarada earlier.

"You're not moving out. I'll never let you."

"Lets talk about this...over dinner...Sasuke"

"Sasuke?" Mebuki questioned while Sasuke was gritting his teeth.

"I'm sorry Mebuki...but I'll have to talk to you later..." Sasuke said as he grabbed the rest of his things and left.


Time skip

Naruto sat at home as he was waiting for everyone to come down for dinner. Sasuke then stomped in with some groceries. Naruto beamed when he saw Sasuke.

"Sasuke! What took you so long-"

"Here are your groceries, where's Sarada? We are leaving!" Sasuke threw the bag in the table as he was ready to walk up the stairs. Naruto stopped him and pulled him away.

"Woah?! Wait what's going on Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"You know! Don't play dumb!?" Sasuke spat.

"What?" Naruto looked at him.

"Why didn't you tell me you legally adopted Sarada!? As in FULL CUSTODY!? THAT MEANS I CANT TAKE HER!" Sasuke pushed Naruto away. Naruto looked at him and crossed his arms.

"Who told you that?" Naruto asked.

"Mebuki Haruno! She never even saw Sarada!" Sasuke answered.

"Did she also tell you that I never legally signed those papers? And did she tell you that Sarada chose to stay away from her?" Naruto claimed. Sasuke looked at Naruto completely confused.

" you're lying!" Sasuke shouted.

"...this is why I wanted to have dinner...Listen the day before my big day, child and family services originally asked Mebuki to take her in...but for some reason, Mebuki did. Overtime, Sarada was not interested in moving in with her." Naruto explained.

"So....what about those papers?" Sasuke asked. Naruto then frowned as he walked into the closet. He then grabbed a file and opened it. He then reveal unsigned papers.

"To this day they keep harrasing me to sign them but...I knew one day you were going to come back so...I know I'll never sign them." Naruto handed the papers to Sasuke. The raven looked at them and sighed.

"...I'm sorry..." Sasuke put his head down as he walked over to a chair.

"Sasuke...If Mebuki wants to see Sarada...then so be it. But I'd never steal your daughter from you." Naruto stated. Sasuke blushed as he sighed heavily.

"...Mebuki offered me her house since she is moving...but...I dont think I'll take it...I may had been married to Sakura...but things change." Sasuke spoke softly.

"So? What will you do?" Naruto asked.

"...I think....I'd like to go to that dinner you promised." Sasuke smirked as he looked at Naruto suprised. Naruto blushed as he softly laughed.

"How about you stop talking..." Naruto kissed Sasuke on the lips as he hugged him tightly.

"I love you Sasuke...please give me a chance to redeem myself." Naruto smiled as he continued to kiss Sasuke. Sasuke didn't say anything as he started to feel the heat around the room.

"Lets go to our room.." Naruto blushed as he picked Sasuke up and walked upstairs. As Naruto walked down the hallway, Kawaki opened his door. They all awkwardly stared at each other.

"We are uhhh..." Naruto blushed as Sasuke was embarrassed.

Kawaki blushed as he looked back at Boruto who was fast asleep.

" quiet okay..." Kawaki rolled his eyes as he walked to the bathroom. Sasuke blushed as Naruto smirked.

"Heh think you can be quiet Sasuke?" Naruto teased.

"Fuck off...."


Thanks for reading!

Sincerely Author<3

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