From old pictures to happy album

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3rd pov

"Is it clear?" Kawaki asked. Boruto looked around the house to find Sasuke and Naruto gone.

"Okay....looks like they left." Boruto said as he ran over to Sasukes bag and started to rummage through his stuff.

"Idiot!? Don't mess it up!" Kawaki slapped Boruto in the back of the head.

"Ouch!? Okay sorry...lets see...there's nothing here..." Boruto claimed.

"Try his clothes." Kawaki said as he sat down on the couch.

"Why don't you help!?" Boruto snapped.

"Just hurry up or else I'm leaving." Kawaki said as he walked up to the fridge and grabbed out a popsicle. Boruto checked all of Sasuke clothing but had no luck.

"Shit...maybe Sarada might have more luck upstairs..." Boruto said as he zipped up the bag. Kawaki then sat back down to only move Sasuke's pillows. He looked under to find 4 old pictures.

"Wow...he sleeps with them....Hey Boruto. Bingo." Kawaki waved the pictures.



Sarada looked carefully around Naruto's room. She made sure that everything was put back the way it was.

"He has to have something other than the team 7 pictures...." Sarada said to herself.

"HEY SARADA LOOK WHAT WE FOUND!" Boruto ran into the room.

"YOU FOOL!? YOU KNOCKED OVER HIS LAUNDRY! CHAAA!" Sarada punched Boruto. Kawaki caught Boruto and then showed Sarada the pictures.

"Woah! Where'd you find these?" Sarada blushed as she looked at Kawaki.

"Under Sasuke-sans pillows...." Kawaki said blandly. Sarada then softly smiled as she thought about it.

"He may say he isn't interested...but that's just lovestrucked right there." Sarada giggled.

"Anyways did you find anything?" Kawaki asked.

"No...I dont know where he would...wait a minute" sarada ran over to Naruto's cabinet and started to dig around.

"Everytime I give papa his laundry he's always looking at a box!" Sarada said as she searched for it. Kawaki and Boruto both helped in looking for it.

Boruto stood onto the bed to see it sitting on top of a shelf.

"Right here!" Boruto said as he jumped to grab it.

Everyone gathered around the box and opened it.

"Woah! There's a ton!?" Sarada jumped.

"Well...lets move on to step two..."

And so...

"I'm home!" Naruto said as he yawned loud.

"Papa!" Sarada smiled as she sat with her brothers and Sasuke.

"Huh? Is dinner already made?" Naruto asked.

"No...the kids have something to tell us." Sasuke said blandly. Naruto smiled as he approached the table. The three kids then smiled as they felt anxious.

"Psst! Boruto...grab it and meet me in the hall..." Sarada mumbled.

"Excuse us first! We need to prepare!" Sarada said as she dragged Kawaki and Boruto away.

"Whats the problem?" Kawaki asked.

"I can't so this! What if they get upset!" Sarada panicked.

"YOU JUST REALIZED THAT POSSIBLE OUTCOME?!" Kawaki felt like he was going to strangle someone.

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