now playing: 2.0 - you're a good dad.

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Mitsuki and Aizawa stood side by side in front of Aizawa's car in silence, their eyes glued on their children who seemed to be talking about something before their parents brought them to their respective homes.

"I'm sorry."

Mitsuki tore her eyes away from the two kids.

"Why're you sorry, Eraserhead?"

Aizawa looked up at the early morning sky, tugging on his ponytail before letting it out.

"For putting those kids in danger..." Aizawa mumbled, trying not to cringe at his own foolishness. "I heard from Kazumi that she was close with your family before her mother passed. So I can't imagine how you feel."

Mitsuki scoffed, "of course you know how I feel. Kazumi is your daughter, no? Katsuki is your student. I'm happy they're safe. If anything, I can't imagine how you feel." 

Aizawa pursed his lips, looking shamefully down at his feet.

"I know it's your responsibility to look out for them, but it's your responsibility to give them a chance." Mitsuki continued, "you gave Kazumi the chance to save my son and she did, even if it took your help to do so. That's what a real teacher does."

"But as her guardian, I have to protect her." Aizawa retorted calmly, his eyes watering. "The fact of the matter is that I let her throw herself into danger and failed to protect Bakugou from getting kidnapped. That doesn't seem like a chance to me."

Mitsuki sighed. Aizawa was one of the best teachers she'd ever met. She could tell he cared dearly for his students from the way he was beating himself up about it.

"From one mother to another father, the cruel truth is that there's a time where you have to stop protecting them." He was her guardian, not her father. Aizawa thought to himself. "If you keep giving them unwarranted protection, they'll never learn to help themselves, or they'll defy you until they push themselves too far. They're standing here today because they protected themselves, they protected each other. So trust them. You're a good dad, Shota."

Aizawa's eyes shot open in surprise.

Before Aizawa could argue back, Kazumi made her way to his car with a weak smile on her face. Bakugou waited at his mother's car, barely awake as he stared at the rising sun. 

"Sho, let's go?" Kazumi called softly, standing by his side.

Aizawa looked up from his shoes, his eyes darting around her face that was kissed with the light of the rising run. Despite the mixture of dry blood, sweat and dirt that lingered on her scratched face, her pretty, heart-shaped smile still widened on her small features.

He took her in by the shoulders, pulling her into his side into a reassuring hug before opening his car door. 

Mitsuki and Bakugou watched them drive off in their car, Mitsuki ruffling his matching spiky locks as she let him into her car in silence.

Meanwhile, Aizawa kept glancing to his side where Kazumi was dozing off in the passenger seat. She was snuggled into his suit blazer he'd given her that was laid across her chest, her chin on top of the fabric as she watched the road ahead.


Aizawa hummed in response, deciding not to correct her from how quiet and frail her voice sounded. 

"Thank you, for protecting Katsuki and I." Kazumi said softly.

He didn't feel deserving of her gratitude. He wasn't the one that saved them.

"Kaz, I didn't do anything." Aizawa piped up, Kazumi turning her head to him in curiosity. "All I did was decipher your message. I can't forgive myself for letting you track down Bakugou instead of sending you to safety with Kota. I should've made that call, I'm sorry for putting you in danger."

Kazumi shook her head, smiling up at him.

"I'm sorry that I jumped into danger. You told me an order and I defied it." She apologised gently, "it's completely my fault that I got kidnapped, not yours. Believe it or not, Katsuki is someone I care for a lot. No matter what you said to me at that moment, nothing was going to stop me from jumping into that portal with him. Don't be sorry, because of you, we're safe now."

Aizawa stopped at a traffic light, clutching the wheel tightly at her words.

"Besides, you're the one that taught me morse, you got me that book." Kazumi explained, "I sent that message to you because the only one who would've understood my message. You're the only person I fully rely on to save me if I can't do it myself."

Aizawa felt her words tug on his heartstrings, avoiding her eyes as he focused on the road.


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