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"Everything that you told me I already knew, Nayla and Arkin explained it all to me. They did say that you were all looking for me. Why did you repeat information? Was it the prophecy? Did you want me to know how the prophecy goes with your past?" Hope asked as Enar pulled her chair out for dinner. The man smirked and sat down at the head of the table as dishes were Brough out for them and blood was filled in golden goblets.

"I wanted to show you that I will only speak the truth Hope. You are my family and I am not the evil mastermind you believe me to be. I only wish to keep my family safe, from everyone and from themselves. My, forgive me, our siblings don't always know what is best for them. They choose wrong and endanger themselves. Our sister is a prime example, she hates with all her being and she loves just the same. There is no in between with her, I should know..." Enar whispered...


Another boring party to keep up with appearances. Nayla was sick of them, she wanted to go home and paint, sing, and dance in her room with just one of her ex's shirts on and forget all about the world. That is until she saw him, his dark hair curled around his eyes, making him look captivating. His eyes were melted chocolate, and his smile drew her in. Nayla only stared until he looked away from his conversation and she turned away, blood rushed to her face and she took a champagne glass from a nearby waiter and drown it. "Be careful with that. You wouldn't want to choke on champagne, trust me not a fun experience." 

"I-I," Nayla stuttered as he smiled at her showing off his dimples.

"Anthony Collins, pleasure to make your acquaintance, miss?" The man, Anthony, extended his hand and she placed it only for him to turn her her hand and kiss the back of it.

"Elizabeth...just Elizabeth for now." Nayla greeted with perfect practice as they had never been able to use their real last name in fear of their father finding them. Also this was her brother's business party and everyone already knew that she was not only an ice princess but her brothers would do anything to keep her from any males. "What brings you here?"

"I wanted to meet the new business man, the face of the New Economic Empire. For someone so young, he is really filled with ambition. Do you know know him? I believe his name is Henry Jonas." Anthony let go of her hand and exchanged her glass with a new one. Nayla looked away from him now knowing why he was talking to her, stupid for her to think it was something else.

"Yes, of course you would know that. Don't need to act anymore, my brother's name is Henrik not Henry. I'm as you know Elizabeth Jonas and now I would take my leave. Good bye Mr. Collins, hope you can reach my brother." Nayla rolled her eyes and started to walk away only for him to shoot his hand out and stopped her from leaving.

"I apologize, I truly did not know who you were. I noticed you from across the room alone and you seemed to be staring at me. I found you attractive and came before any other man could win you over. I never meant no disrespect, I have no business with your brother, I only wish to know who he was, as there is no pictures of him. There is just whispers about his name and how his Empire has become sort of like a cult." Anthony explained only to be pushed and the once chattery ballroom become silent.

"Is this man bothering you?" Enar asked his sister still staring at Anthony Collins with contempt.

"Henrik, it's fine. Mr. Collins is not bothering me, we were just having a conversations when I assumed the worst and he wanted to cleared my misunderstanding. I'm tired, I wish to go now." Nayla grabbed her brother's arm and he only nodded looked at Anthony up and down.

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