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Nayla had woken up from a long night with a smile on her face. She was making a friend, quickly frowning she placed a hand on her heart. She just experienced happiness, she can't turn her switch on, her last lover was killed not even a week ago. She will experience the pain and betrayal of her brother, she can't do it. Slowly she surpassed those emotions and breathed out knowing that her brother had her best interest at heart. Thinking back she began to wonder when she will see her siblings again. She needed Hope's trust and she had told Klaus that she was going to be in New Orleans for a few weeks. Now that their relationship was semi-established, mostly them finding out that they didn't have romantic feelings towards each other, she needed more. Hope needed to trust her completely, they needed to go to England and explain to her everything about them. They needed to tell her of the prophecy so she will have a happy life and her family wouldn't fall apart. Nayla was so deep in thought that her brother's ringtone finally snapped her out of it. She reached out took her iPhone and answered.

"Enar, what's with the morning call?" Nayla smiled feeling a flutter in her heart, was it anger? Sadness? Happiness? She didn't know and she didn't want to figure it out.

"Nayla, my lovely sister, I have come in possession of mother's diary, and tell me...have you had any intimacy with Hope Mikaelson?" Enar questioned her as Nayla got up from her bed careful not to wake up her late-night snack from last night after Kol left.

"No, I went on a date with her last night but that's it. There has been flirting but after our date, the feelings weren't there and we decided to be friends instead. Why do you ask?" Nayla frowned brushing her straight hair and wondering if she should wash her hair today or not.

"Good, I ask because mother stated in her diary that Klaus Mikaelson is our biological father." He said and Nayla's grip slacked, her phone dropped to the ground with a loud 'thud'. Klaus Mikaelson was her father, the father she desperately wanted to have, a man that hasn't said a word to her. He hasn't looked at her and seen her. Shaking herself out of her thoughts she picked up her phone to hear her brother yelling out to her. "Nayla! Are you alright? What happened?"

"I apologize Enar, I was shocked. Klaus Mikaelson? The Great Evil? He is our father?" Nayla questioned going to a chair by the corner and pulling her knees to her chest as she sat down. Her snack had not woken up, but something was bothering her. She flirted with her sister, and she gagged. "Enar, I flirted with our sister."

"Yes, well, that's something we will never speak about again. We didn't know who she was to us, and now that we do...don't flirt with her." Enar growled and Nayla flinched knowing she disappointed her brother. They didn't know she was their sister, it was fine, no one needed to know, it was hers, Hope's, and Enar's little secret. She needed to tell Hope who she was, and tell her that they are siblings, so she will be willing to go with her to England. The always and forever vow, she can do that with Hope. They can have a sibling vow.

"Our sister is a little strumpet! Flirting with not only every creature on the planet but also her very own siblings. I didn't peg you to be into incest." An annoying voice called out from the background and Nayla flushed bright red.

"Arkin! You bastard!" Nayla shrieked making her snack wake up startled by the noise. Nayla made a motion for them to leave and they huffed picking their stuff up and leaving her hotel room with a loud bang. "I am not into incest!"

"Whatever you say, Nayla." Arkin laughed in the background and then there was a smack.

"She didn't know, Arkin. Stop being a child, we didn't know." Magnus, the voice of reason, calmly stated as he hit the third child.

"Did everyone hear our talk?" Nayla groaned and her brothers laughed at her.

"Well, of course, we don't keep secrets from each other. That's what keeps us close, we never keep secrets from each other." Enar stated and Nayla was the only one that smiled at that. Magnus and Arkin stayed silent, knowing that they had secrets of their own such as still keeping in contact with Katherine, Sage, and Stefan. "Tell Katerina to call me, Nayla. We can duscuss a deal on freeing Stefan in exchange of Hope coming to England."

"I'll let her know Enar." Nayla smiled seeing that her brothers will be helping her in her mission. Perhaps they might even consider coming to New Orleans and helping her convince Hope to come with them. "I love you three, stay safe! No fighting while I'm in America."

"I'll see you in three days, little sister!" Arkin called out as the line went dead and Nayla paled hearing those words. Arkin...coming to New Orleans without the others? That would be chaos. No matter, she shrugged standing up from her chair and went to the bathroom. Deciding that it would be best to shower and look for homes. She couldn't live in a hotel room when her brother arrives. She did need to follow the rules and tell her father about Arkin coming to town, and she needed to get a nice apartment in the French Quater. Her brothers', aunts', grandmothers, and mother were her only family. It was a small family, that didn't really have many people in to be called a big family. Now finding out who her father was she began to count Hope and her father as family. Hope was a dream, finally she had a sister to complain about her brothers. Hope had something she must want, siblings! After all who doesn't want siblings? They are annoying and a pain but no one will have your back like your sibling would.

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