"You came." Nayla was wearing a white pantsuit with her hair straight and alluring make up. She looked fierce and powerful, something Hope wanted to be as she was the only tribrid in existence. It was wonderful how a girl that hasn't lived long but traveled could pull off that amount of confidence and power when she stepped in the room. Nayla was a wonderful woman and there was something about her that brought comfort to Hope.

"You did send me this amazing dress...it was polite to at least show you." Hope blushed bright red as Nayla took her hand and kissed the back of it. She is comfortable but Hope didn't get those butterflies in her stomach when she looked at Nayla. They usually appeared when she did something that she wasn't used to, like the flirting and the compliments, her family would compliment her but it wasn't the same, they were supposed to do that, Nayla wasn't forced to compliment her.

"I'm glad you think that, Miss Mikaelson." Nayla escorted her to their table, hiding her smirk from Hope and as she pulled the chair out for the naive girl, Nayla spotted a few pest. Niklaus Mikaelson, the man her brother hated, and Hayley Marshall. She needed to be on her best behavior will Hope so they don't suspect her. "You look exquisite darling."

"I-I-thanks...you look good too." Hope smiled and Nayla smirked as the waiter came and took their orders. Hope got pasta, and Nayla got steak as they began to get to know each other. "What brings you to New Orleans?"

"I did mentioned that I am here for work. My brother is interested in many things, he loves art, music and  everything that this time period has to offer. I, on the other hand, like to travel. I don't like to keep things in display." A waiter came and served them both red wine already compelled by Nayla to not ask them anything. Hope thanked him and did not lift her glass seeing Nayla lift her glass in deep thought. "I like to experience them, so I gather precious gems for him. Modeling is also good for me as I gather my own money rather than relying on my brother." Nayla smirked tilting her wine towards Hope making her lift her wine. "To new relationships, whether we remain friends or become lovers. I will forever stand by your side."

"You know in my family there is a saying, if we are to stay together we must promise each other to always be there for each other." Hope muttered as they drank their wine and their food arrive. Nayla frowned not having to hear about this in her reports, it don't matter as long as his little play thing doesn't realize where she is and give them the wrong impression of her. That little Bulgarian was Katherine before settling with Elijah. A younger and more skilled version of the vampire but still a lying, cunning, manipulative little bitch. She didn't want to change and her brother didn't want to kill her because she amused him. "Always and Forever"

"Always and Forever?" Nayla questioned wondering why exactly that, it made it seem like they will always stay together. She had not seen her brothers dine together in over 30 years. Usually the one next to the eldest was her, no one else had the love and devotion she had for her brother. Sure, he had killed most of her lovers but he said they weren't worthy of her and as his little sister she will listen to him.

"Means that no matter the betrayal, heartbreak, and years we will always be there for each other when needed, that is," Hope explained blushing at the thought of having her own promise with someone. Her father had this promise with his siblings, she didn't have any siblings but if she could make her own family it will be worth not having siblings. No matter how desperately she wanted them. 

With Hayley and Klaus things were different. Hayley and Klaus were first commenting how much Hope has grown and perhaps it was time to let her go. Then when the girls started to talk about always and forever, Klaus nearly lost it. He was going to march over kill Nayla and take his little girl far away from anyone unworthy of her. No one was worthy of his girls, maybe the ripper and Keelin, but no one is worthy of his daughter. Hayley had to hold him down so he wouldn't interrupt their daughter first ever date, 90 years and their daughter finally went on a date.

"She looks like Caroline...with your personality that is." Hayley laughed as she fixed her face mustache. It wasn't fooling anyone in New Orleans, Hayley was wearing a suit with a hat and a fake mustache. She wanted to be unseen by her daughter while Klaus didn't care and just wore his usual outfits, of course Hayley made him wear fake glasses as she didn't want Hope to spot them.

"I don't know what you mean, love," Klaus smirked seeing himself in the blonde girl, wishing at times it was Caroline having a nice daughter-mother bonding with his daughter than a stranger having an outing with his precious daughter.  Then began to truly see the strange girl, Nayla Smith, she had Caroline's sunlight blonde hair, his personality, well most of his personality, he couldn't really see his personality. Perhaps, Rebekah's personality, loving too easily but his? No, there was no one like him.

The four of them were having a blissful time but Sage and Katherine were making their own plans. Katherine had woken up in an empty room and a note from Nayla. 'Don't get in the way'. That was all it said and the original manipulator quickly went to Sage, the two females hid away in a spelled room so no one in the house could hear them and began wondering what could he want from Hope. They were all tribrid's, why do they want with Hope? They also began to wonder if they should tell Klaus to pause his search for Caroline and take Nayla. Nayla with her three brothers were his children, they might not know this or they do. Katherine and Sage did not know what the quadruplets knew about their birth father. They know that they needed Stefan, they need Nayla in their hands for the exchange. 

"Did she confirm it? Who has Stefan?" Sage bit her thumb nail dreading what could Stefan the only other person in the married Mikaelson clan to know Caroline's secret. They all never heard it from Caroline but they saw her. First, it was Katherine that got the siblings to lower their guards and show her their sleeping mother. Caroline was perfectly preserved, dreaming of raising her children with Klaus. Not that they knew what she was dreaming about, Katherine got close enough to see in her head and saw the beautiful family, that even included Hope. Second, was Sage, the mentor of Magnus, everything the red haired woman knew, Magnus knew. Finally, was Stefan, he found Enar while he was feeding. The two hit it off, Stefan thinking of his as his little brother and Enar wanting to know why he was searching for his mother. Stefan confessed that his mother was his best friend and he knew she was alive and just wanted to see her. That was what Enar did, showed him his mother and confessed to Stefan who he was. The three then knew right away who their father was and wondered why Caroline left. No matter what the three did, Caroline would not wake up. They couldn't even touch her when they entered her mind, something or someone was blocking them. They barely made it out alive when Enar caught them trying to wake their mother. He placed a spell on her coffin, no one was able to open her coffin, Enar even brainwash his siblings to spell the coffin as well. It had four layers of protection that only them could break.

"Arkin, I believe she said Arkin had Stefan. We need to find him, get Stefan and come up with a plan." Katherine groaned knowing that Stefan was the one with the plan, Sage and her did not engage when they are in a disadvantage. Stefan was brave enough to go against Klaus when he was all evil, they would never do that. Katherine ran from him for 500 years, Sage did not even show her face until Finn got out of his coffin.

"Now you two have the most interesting conversation. You are telling me, Nayla Smith is actually Nayla Mikaelson? Or did she placed Forbes as their last name?" Kol made his presence known, he had always been there. From the moment the two females entered the room, he had been standing in the shadows waiting for them to notice him. "How many are there? Just two? Nayla and Arkin? Very Viking names, I must congratulate sister-in-law."

"There's four of them. Caroline had magical quadruplets."

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