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Audrey King had arrived to New Orleans and wanted to run as soon as she stepped foot in the French Quarter. She was a beautiful woman with short curly eye catching red hair, cat like green eyes, a vampire with more bodies in her closet than years alive. She was cunning, devious, anything and everything can be used to describe her. If you asked Enar how to describe her, he would say, stupid. She was a stupid girl that believed she was ahead of the game but in reality she was always three steps behind. She admired how Katherine ran from the big bad for 500 and believed she can imitate her but she was a pale comparison to the survivor. Enar had let her go, she was interesting and it pissed his siblings off. It was a beautiful trap that Enar spend years creating but then she found the big secret he had kept, not his mother. The other secret his siblings didn't even know he had. That's when Enar had enough of the girl and ordered her sentence. Audrey spotted Nayla in New Orleans with the American tribrid. Audrey knew she had to leave but the red haired girl had a promise to keep. She promised Stefan Salvatore to deliver his message to Rebekah Mikaelson-Salvatore, his wife, and sister of The Klaus Mikaelson. His message was to not trust Nayla, Arkin, Magnus, and Enar; they only wanted Hope, and they would kill anyone who got in their way. They can make anyone believe that they are there for different reasons but their true objective will always be Hope Mikaelson, the American Tribrid. Their half sister. They don't know the difference between obsession and love, and they would mold Hope to be the same. Audrey was waiting for the right moment to approach Rebekah, that moment never came as she had a surprise visitor in her home. Arkin Forbes was sitting there with a metal bat inspecting the weapon.

"Arkin...what brings you here?" Audrey let a shaky smile and jumped at the sound of her front door slamming shut. Kol Mikaelson. The Wildest Mikaelson. These two together would only cause chaos and destruction. Kol doesn't know when to stop and Arkin doesn't want to stop. Audrey did the only sensible, smart, thing in her life. She fled, or tried to as Kol having a bat hit her legs breaking them upon impact. 

"See? I told you, bats are the best." Kol pointed at the red haired girl on the floor crying in pain with his bend bat. Arkin stood and kept looking at his bat, with his brows furrowed together.

"I don't know why I never thought about bats? I always used polo sticks, it makes humans cry and kills fine." Arkin shrugged and picked the girl up dragging her to the couch as her legs were healing. Arkin looked at her legs and smirked. "Now you won't need those anymore." With those words Arkin took both of Audrey's legs making her scream in pain and Kol jump at the sudden action and the smoothness. He was precise, only taking from her knee down, letting her bleed out. "Now, why is my brother now killing you? What do you know?"

"What?" Kol asked Arkin, believing that he was a loyal soldier. Following his brother's orders like a puppet instead of making his own decisions. Kol hoped to teach him to be truly mischievous, not an imitation or funny. To take matters into his own hands, to not follow what his siblings say.

"Come now, Kol. The only one loyal to Enar is Nayla. She would kill, live, and die for him, no one but she would do that. That is why she is the favorite, the brat, of the family. I don't care about anything, or anyone. I care about me and only me, when the world calls you an abomination, a bastard, a villain, the only thing you can do is show them how villainous you truly are." Arkin smirked showing his tribrid face to Kol. He knew that the youngest male Mikaelson knew who their father was, why else would he come with him. "Now, start talking while I'm being nice, Miss King."

"Stefan Salvatore-"

"Wrong." Arkin clicked his tongue as ripped her left arm, Kol stood in the corner of the room wondering why he was here. "Try again."

"Mr. Salvatore sent me to tell your sister-" Audrey looked at Kol with tears streaming down her face.

"Don't talk to him! Talk to me." Arkin growled ripping her other arm throwing limps all around the room getting impatient. "Now, do you want to talk to me?"

"Kol, do not trust them! They will betray you all! The only thing they want is-" her head was ripped off by Arkin. Kol looked at the blonde man, not knowing what to say, his time with Davina had made him rusty. He wasn't the same person, he enjoyed the torture and killing in the past but Davina changed him for the better. This wasn't him anymore, and seeing someone that looked like the past him, made his stomach turn.

"Don't mind her words, mate. She would do anything to break our bond. I feel like we really bonded, torturing wasn't really torturing. You hit, I ripped, we could have done more but she started talking nonsense. Best to keep this to ourselves." Arkin picked up Audrey's head and walked towards Kol patting his shoulder and walked out the home scaring the humans in the streets. Kol stood there taking it in, what had he done? Who are these people? How could Caroline raise these bloodthirsty killers, when she was the human-vampire.

Arkin waited for Kol as he texted his brother the picture of Audrey's head, telling him that he will be sending it with one of his hybrids. Arkin snap his fingers and one of his hybrids appeared and he tossed him the head, "take it to my brother in London." with a nod the hybrid left and Kol exit the home in a daze. Arkin smirked and wrapped an arm around the slightly shorter male's shoulder. "Now we feast!"

"Where is..." Kol frowned looking around for the head. Arkin just pulled him away, his clothes had blood on them, his hands were painted red but the blonde did not care he kept his smile on his face.

"Don't worry about her, she's dead! We have to celebrate that the bitch is dead, and mourn that my brother's secrets died today." Arkin laughed and Kol nodded and thought back to his old self and began to enjoy the blood, the thirst, the kill with his nephew. Something that he had not done in a long time, as he did not want to push Davina away and wanted to change for her. Arkin was being himself as they left town and did their disaster in a different town, knowing that New Orleans is off limits. The two bonded over their killing knowing that they had to return by dinner time.

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