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"Wake up~" Hope groaned as it was the first time someone had snacked her neck, no one had ever done that. It felt weird, Hope rubbed her neck sitting up to hear an engine, the scratching of wheels and laughter in the other room. Hope quickly sat up looking around, this was not her room, this is not even a room on the ground. She was on a plane, she could hear the pilot talking. They are over an ocean, they are not in New Orleans! Her dad was going to kill her or them! She looked around until she locked eyes with Arkin. He was smirking down at her like he had not just kidnaped her. "Finally, I thought you would never wake up."

"Where am I? Why did you kidnap me? You said you are going to wait till I made my decision." Hope glared at her brother and Arkin only laughed not caring was she had believed. Hope felt like everything was falling apart, her siblings lied to her, no one had ever lied to her. Hope had no idea how to handle that sort of thing.

"Of course I said that. I lied, Nayla lied, we have been lying to you since we met you. You can't expect for us to be honest when we have known you for less than a month. We wanted you, so we took you, simple as that." Arkin broke all and any expectations Hope had on remaining her expectations of her siblings. They were all evil, took what they wanted and had little care for the consequences. They were their father's children.

"You, all of you will not get far." Hope glared at Arkin who just rolled his eyes and walked away from Hope. The girl noticed that next to her on the bed was Nayla, grey veins, barely even breathing, Nayla Elizabeth Forbes.

"We are arriving at London in a few hours, come. Let's get you some food." Arkin grabbed her arm and pulled her out of bed. Hope thrashed around wanting to get out of his grip, Arkin ignored her as he pulled her out of the room, to be with Katherine, Magnus, and a strange man had his arm around her brother. "Hope, this is Nathan. He's the one that did the kidnapping for us and our brother's right hand man. Magnus, right hand man, not Enar's."

"Let go of me!" Hope screamed at Arkin who pushed her down to seat next to Katherine. She was on a computer easily ignoring everything around her. She was writing an email to Elijah, telling him to not worry about a thing and Hope would be back. Katherine sent the email and looked around letting Magnus take the laptop and crush it. "Katherine? You're with them?"

"I know my place with them, Hope. The world isn't as you make it out to be, there's just no happy ever after for some people. People like me don't just choose a side and stick with them until the end. I'm a survivor, I pick the winning side." Katherine sighed looking at Hope whose tears swelled up in her eyes. Her aunt was never on their side, she would not be helping her escape from her evil siblings. "Look, think about it. Four tribrids against your family? No matter how power you family was they don't stand a chance against the four of them. You don't stand a chance against the four of them. Maybe you and Nayla would be evenly matched before Arkin came to town but you don't accept all of you. Hope, you believe yourself to be a witch and a wolf. You have never let your vampire side in, never turned it off, never experience what it meant to taste blood. Nayla understands and accepts all parts of her, she knows she's a wolf, and a vampire, and a witch. She accepts them all and embraces all parts of herself. You haven't and that's why the four of them are more powerful than you."

"Oh, stop it Katherine. You are going to make us all blush." Magnus smirked as Arkin came back and placed two glasses of blood in front of the two girls. Katherine to the cup and drank while Hope looked away from the blood. She did not want to give in to her urge, she wanted to be normal. Like her mother. "I see she won't drink. No need we need her magic."

"What exactly are we doing? Or How long will Hope be with you?" Katherine turned to Magnus rolling her eyes. Arkin went to sit across from her and took Hope's glass of blood for himself.

"Hope? Well, she's staying with us until she completes her purpose. You, on the other hand, are only needed temporary." Magnus explained pointed at Hope who had tears streaming down her face. She wanted to leave, she wanted to go home, she wanted answers. Was Nayla lying to her since the moment they met? When did the lies begin and when did they end? Katherine nodded not wanting to push her luck any more than she already had. Arkin got comfortable and closed his eyes no doubt tired of the day? night? they had. How long had she been asleep? Katherine took out a magazine and completely ignored everyone around around her. "I see you have questions, I could answer them if you so desire."

"Why did you kidnap me? Nayla and Arkin both said that they will let me decide what I wanted to do. You didn't honor anyone's wishes." Hope questioned her brother, her younger brother, but her brother nonetheless.

"Well, of course they will say that. They couldn't tell you that they were going to force you to come with us. No one will give you a danger warning, if the intent to kidnap you if present, and I did respect someone's wishes. I respected Enar's wishes and that is all that matters." Magnus shrugged and Nathan the hybrid next to him smirked and kissed his brother's temple.

"I hear about Enar all the time, but no one has ever told me specifically about him...What is he?" Hope questioned and Magnus shook his head not bothering to answer as he just told her to sleep. They had a long way to go, seeing that she wasn't going to get the answers she wanted, no matter what he first said, Hope closed her eyes letting darkness fall on her. Hope prayed that she will never meet Enar, at least face to face, she could not see herself meeting such a horrible man. A horrible man that would kidnap someone from their home, and hurt his family. When she opened her eyes again there was no engine noise and a blonde curly haired man that look like her father but with something different about him was staring at her with an unrecognizable expression on his face.

"You and I were destined to meet." His voice had the same accent that Nayla and Arkin had. Well Arkin's accent was harsher and his words blended together at times but still a British accent. This man's voice was sensual, charming, seductive...dangerous. As if he was trying to charm her into agreeing to whatever he wanted.

"Who are you?" Hope frowned pressing herself against the chair had slept on for hours. With a smirk on his face and eyes flashing amusement he utter the words she dreaded to hear.

"Your brother."


Before anyone says that Hope is naive or stupid, think about how I made her life. She has never left the safety of New Orleans, everyone is terrified of her parents and family they will never kidnap her. She is safe with her bodyguards and everyone in her family is powerful and dangerous. She has a mentality of a child, her being with the characters I created will change her viewpoints and have her incline to become more like her parents. Her mother would kill and do anything to have information on the family she didn't know of. Her father is Klaus...that's reasonable enough. So I will be changing her viewpoints slowly, don't make her a naive and stupid girl. She was raised a naive stupid girl, she needs a bit of growing up and the four characters I created need to humble themselves from thinking that they are the most powerful people on earth and they can't be stopped.

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