Chapter 11 ~ F/n?

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I spectate as she held the phone against her ear, "I know I lost the bet," she says in a lowly tone as if she was ashamed of herself. "I said, I would get the money. I'll have it in a week or so."

'Liar.' I thought, 'no wonder why she wants to move. She's trying to run away again.'

She gives a fake laugh into the phone then ending the call and throwing her cell on the counter. Her hands grip the edge of the counter, repeatedly mumbling the word, money.

'Well, I figured why she wants to move.. but how to convince her?' I thought strategically, thinking of ways to convince her but all had end in complex situations.

My e/c pupils expand like the Grand Canyon, an idea so crazy and risky yet it might just work. My hand push the door open, finding my aunt sitting at the table with a cup of cold coffee and another fresh cigarette in her hands.

"What do you want? Aren't you past your bedtime," she says, breathing in the toxic and blowing it out.

"I know how to get money. If I can pay the money you lost, Miya can continue with her life here." I said, getting straight to the point.

"What about your life?" she questions, slumping back in her chair with her narrow, beady eyes staring into me.

"My life was gone once we came to live with you." I almost snarl but felt pity for myself, "but. I'll do anything for Miya to be happy."

What I said, seem to weigh her mind, because with another last deadly inhale, she tap the stick and ash fell at the end on the surface of the table.

"I'm listening."

* * *

My moves mimicked a zombie from unrealistic horror movies or tv shows. I exit the kitchen, each of my footsteps getting heavier once I was nearing to my room where Miya sat patiently for good news. It was definitely good news, but she didn't have to hear what else was going to happen.

I sharply inhale as my hand rest on the doorknob, feeling like eternity, I open the door where I was instantly greeted by a bear-hug from Miya.

"Guess what? Auntie is going to let us stay here!" I said in my most cheerfullest voice, and wearing a comely smile.

"Really?!" Miya chirps, throwing her arms around my legs. "You're the best big sis ever!"

This is why I love her so much. My mouth curve to a genuine smile, then holding her hand and bringing her to bed for another regular school day.

"Wait sis, I have to change into my pajamas!" Miya says, letting go of my hand and running back to her room. I yawn, changing into a large plain t-shirt and some comfortable pants.

I decided to crawl in bed first, my eyes almost drifting until I heard the door click open and Miya scurry into the bed with her purple onesie pajama.

"Goodnight sis!" she says, landing a quick kiss on my forehead. She threw the covers over her then making herself all snuggle up.

I wait, till I heard deep breathing coming from Miya. I fix the blankets to completely cover her body below her head and tucking her in. I kiss her on the head, then laying my head on my pillow.

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