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time skip

life in the palace has been pretty good to me. it's already been a few months since i've starting helping the trainees during their practice.

heeseung and his group of friends have been massively improving, and already half of the original trainees have been cut.

the ball that my father had planned is only a week away, and due to the amount of time i've been spending at trainee practice, i've had no time to make arrangements.

i was lucky though, as today the trainees had the day off as they just finished their seventh test.

Ni-ki escorted me to the ballroom where the butlers and maids were waiting for me and my input before they started to decorate.

"your Majesty." they all said, sinking themselves into a bow as i entered the room.

"have fun," Ni-ki whispered, "and try not to be so mean to the palace staff."

"oh shut up!" i say poking him in the side making him laugh. "i've been getting better about it!"

"hmm, i wonder why," he said with a smirk on his face. "maybe a specific someone has gotten you to change, perhaps....heeseung?"

before i could hit him back he ran away shutting the ballroom door.

"aish, he'll never grow up," i said to myself before averting my attention back to the palace staff.

"alright! let's get started."






after five hours of hard work and sweat, we had transformed the ballroom into a winter wonderland.

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"fantastic work everyone! it looks absolutely stunning!" i said with a smile on my face 

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"fantastic work everyone! it looks absolutely stunning!" i said with a smile on my face 

"thank you for your hard work," everyone said while bowing.

i heard the door open and turned around to see my father and Ni-ki walk in, and both of their jaws were open.

"s-seoyeon, this looks incredible!" Ni-ki said with a smile on his face.

"indeed. you should be very proud of yourself and the palace staff seoyeon," my father said.

"i am! it was teamwork, and because of that we made something beautiful."

we spent a couple more minutes admiring the work we had produced until my father made a rather last minute announcement.

"ahh, yes that reminds me," father said clearing his throat.

"everyone, including palace staff are invited to the party, and are more than welcome to take a date."

a date?! i've been so busy with training and decorating that i've had no time to think about this!

i seriously have no idea what i'm going to do.



"a date? have you thought about who you were going to ask?" joy asks as she gets me ready for yet another round of training the following day.

"ugh absolutely no idea. i've had no time to think about it!"

"well, i don't think you'll have a very hard time. i know that any man would love you to be their date. you just have the hard task of choosing who. me on the other hand, well, i'm going to have a difficult time."

"hey, what's that supposed to mean?" i ask turning around to face her.

then it hits me. joy has a crush.

"OMG JOY WHO IS IT YOU WERE THINKING OF?!" i shriek practically jumping up from the dressing chair.

"w-well, to be completely honest, i really like Ni-ki, your friend. i think he's very cute, nice, and manly. he would make a perfect date."

"girl, go for it!" i say grabbing both her shoulders. "you have my complete support! fighting!"

after my short talk with joy, i walk over to the training grounds ready to go over the last lesson before ball preparations take over everyone's schedule. 

i walk over to the generals who are busy rearranging the trainees' training times for after the ball.

"are we ready?" i ask.

"yes your Majesty let's get started," General Taehyung says.

"gather round boys!" he says calling the trainees over.

"today we have a special training practice for you," he continues. "today, we will be passing out weapons that will be useful when it comes to fighting supernatural beings. these weapons are the same weapons that members of the royal guard use. please be careful with them, as they can 100% hurt the princess as well as its trainee if not used properly. do us proud."

and with that the last day of practice began.

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