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"seoyeon that was unfair!"

i stormed through the palace with Ni-ki at my side and my father annoyingly trailing me from behind.

"don't you dare talk to me about what's considered unfair!" i shout back

i was holding my side, as i had taken a knife during training. i was a bit dizzy as i had lost a lot of blood, and my wound was a searing pain. 

"you can't just go in there and use your powers without warning!" i heard my father shout.

"you could have warned them-"

"Dad! i am training them for real life!' i yelled as i turned around to face him. 

we were standing in an empty hallway close to the gardens, and i could hear my voice bounce off the walls and create an echo. 

"in real life, there are no warnings! there are no second chances! you either make your move and stay on your toes or you're dead!"

"they are just boys seoyeon! before you, they didn't even know that supernatural beings existed!"

"i am trying to figure out which of them are best suited for the job! i am the closest thing that they have to a Dark One. they're supernatural beings, i'm a supernatural being."

"but using your abilities is not the way to go about this, and-"

"you asked me to participate in this decision of who the new recruits would be," i say slowly approaching him.

"i obeyed you and i'm doing it. now we either do this my way or no way. the choice is yours, but my decision is final." 

and with that i stomped off to my room with Ni-ki close behind me. 







"sorry your Grace, i'm trying to be gentle."

i had made it back to my room and one of my other maids Wendy was helping me to clean my wound. 

i had used my abilities to burn my skin back together, but it was still painful.

"you must have been very tired after this duel."

"yes, and i'm pissed that a tiny throwing knife could hurt this much," i say trying to hold in a scream from the pain i felt as Wendy was using hot water to clean off the blood.

"who even managed to do this, princess?"

"umm, not sure. i think his name was like heeyun? heejun? hee-"

"heeseung perhaps?" Wendy asked looking up at me.

"yes, heeseung."

"i heard that heeseung is their ace. he always finishes first in all the training assessments, and your uncle is quite fond of him to. i think he shows great promise you know."

"you're really going to stand up for the man that just stabbed me?" i said raising an eyebrow at her.

we both laughed and she helped me finish getting ready before dinner.



the generals had asked me to eat with them and the trainees, so i had to be professional and look presentable.

(outfit and hair)

"you look stunning your Grace"Ni-ki says bowing to me as i step out of my room

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"you look stunning your Grace"Ni-ki says bowing to me as i step out of my room.

"oh shut it!" i say as i jab him in the side with my elbow.

we make our way down to the dining hall, and it looks like the only people missing were me and General Taehyung.

we make our way down to the dining hall, and it looks like the only people missing were me and General Taehyung

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"ahh seoyeon you're here!"

i went up and gave uncle Taeyong a hug.

"so where am i sitting? next to you i assume."

"actually, your father told me to mix it up a bit. i have you in the center of the table with the boys."

i stopped dead. dammit how long will it be before my father stops doing these sorts of things?!

"and who will i be next to then?"

"you'll be next to jake and heeseung."


just great.

The Bodyguard // Lee HeeseungWhere stories live. Discover now