Chapter 76 - It's A Trap

Start from the beginning

"The guy just feels bad about his bandmates actions." Vaughan replied. "Besides, Oto is a nice guy from what I've seen. I'll be fine."

Raoul sighed. "Okay, just try and be careful okay?"

Vaughan nodded with understanding. "Okay."

So the guy has a little trust issues, big deal. Vaughan walked towards the edge of the stage, Oto helping her down as the two of them walked through the exit.

The rest of the band watched them leave before continuing their break on their own.

"That mic is going to get glitchy after that feedback incident. I'll get us a new one from the back." said Spike.

"Thanks Spike." Raoul thanked as the young boy made his way into the back.

"Hey," Andrew spoke up. "Now that we have some to talk, what happened yesterday with the results? We were awful! Doesn't anyone else think that it's strange that we made it to the finals?"

"Very strange." A voice answered.

The rest of Music Nation turned around to see Poplock and Rocksteady facing them, eyes glaring daggers in their direction.

"What are you bros doing here? Pretty sure the losers are supposed to be up there on the cheap seats." Raoul replied, pointing a thumb at the bleachers.

"Oh please, the Bopcrew are the most talented group here at Julliard. It is us who deserve to be in the finals." Rocksteady snapped.

"And we won't be denied." Poplock grinned.

The other band members didn't even notice that Poplock had his hand on something. A lever. He pulled it, and the floor below the band vanished, causing Music Nation to fall through the floor and collapse right into a room underneath the stage, all of their instruments falling with them.

Just as Spike opened the door from backstage, he froze, seeing the event happen right before his eyes as he dropped the new microphone in shock. Thankfully it wasn't on, or else it would have gave away his position. He quickly ducked behind the door again, peering his head over the door as he watched Rocksteady peek over through the hole as the floor moved back up in place.

"See you never!" he wave a taunting farewell.

The Bopcrew fist bumped with a laugh as they made their way off stage, no doubt to tell Headmaster Roger that Music Nation wouldn't be able to perform.

The Mesmerizers watched them from the end of the field, Dagio grinning from ear to ear. "About time they gave them a shove." He brought out his com-link again, powering it on. "They're down."

"Excellent." Megatron approved. "Soundwave, summon a few Decepticons if you must. It's time for your part of the plan to take action."

"...Affirmative, Lord Megatron." Soundwave answered after a pause.

"Grab the girl, and bring her back to base." Megatron ordered.


Vaughan picked up the last of the smoothies and stuffed it into the last slot of the cardboard holder. She walked outside, finding Oto who was waiting for her right outside of the shop.

"Got'em all?" He asked.

"All of them." She answered.

"Then let's get heading back, the others must be wondering what's taking you so long." said Oto as they began walking.

"Why would you think that they would't acknowledge you?" Vaughan asked him with curiosity.

"It's okay for you to tell me Vaughan. I know your friends don't exactly like me much." Oto admitted, his head lowered in shame.

"What? No, they like you!" Vaughan assured. "So more than others, but none of the less, they like you! For example, buying us smoothies. That's a nice gesture."

"I'm glad you think so Vaughan." Oto replied, looking up at her.

Vaughan gave the boy a smile, a way of assuring him, to lift up his spirits. The boy smiled back, and Vaughan could have sworn she saw his eyes flash behind his sunglasses.

"Are you alright Oto?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" he asked in reply, a little uneasy.

"It's just—WHOA!" She turned her head and screamed, dropping her smoothies as she and Oto came face to face with Frenzy and Rumble. Two of Soundwaves Minicons.

"Where do you think you're going?" Frenzy taunted.

"Decepticons?" Oto guessed.

"Oh yeah." Vaughan nodded quickly.

"You're coming with us, both of you!" Rumble ordered.

"Vaughan, run!" Oto yelled, dropping his smoothies as well as grabbing Vaughan's hand and pulling her with him as they ran into a alley way.

Vaughan could hear the metal footsteps of the Minicons running after them.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this Oto." Vaughan apologized. "They caught me by surprise, there hasn't been any Decepticon activity since The Mesmerizers— CRAP!"

"Wait, the Mesmerizer's are Decepticons?!" Oto yelped as they made a turn.

They looked forward, their feet coming to a screeching halt. It was a dead end. They were trapped. Metal stomps caught there attention as they turned around to see Rumble and Frenzy, staring them down.

"Two against two, we can take'm!" Vaugha boasted, fists at the ready. "Right Oto?"

There was no answer.

"Oto?" Vaughan spoke again, turning her head to face the boy.

He had a look of.. sorrow? Guilt? Sadness? But why? She watched him as he stepped forward, talking towards Rumble and Frenzy, and stood side by side... with them.

"What?" Vaughan mumbled with a gasp.

"I'm sorry... Remix. I truly am." He apologized, lowering his gaze away from her.

"You... You're with them?" Vaughan gaped.

"He's more than just with us." Frenzy grinned.

Vaughan only noticed now that just above them, up in the sky, there was a black and purple jet hovering over them. Something fell out of the jet as it came soaring down. Oto caught the object in his hands, and Vaughan gasped. She gasped so loudly she could have sworn she screamed. The boombox he was holding, matched the printing on his sweater.


Oto, or should she say "Oto" vanished, as the boombox that resembled him transformed into non other than...

"His name, is Soundwave." Rumble grinned.

Vaughan's eyes widened with fear, they could have been mistaken for flying saucers.

"Do we take her now boss?" Frenzy asked, looking up at his master.

Vaughan exchanged glances from Frenzy, back up to Soundwave. He looked puzzled, seeming reluctant.

"... Take her." He ordered.

The two Minicons laughed evilly, running forward as they grabbed her arms, pinning her to the ground.

"Let me go!" She yelped.

The purple and black jet, which Vaughan quickly realized was Skywarp, hovered his way down into the alley, landing near the group as he opened up the glass covering.

"You lied to me." Vaughan spat as the Minicons lifted the girl up, practically dragging her towards the seeker. "How could you?!"

Soundwave said nothing as all he did was watch as his Minicon servants stashed the human girl, the human reincarnation of his Cybertronian rival in the leather seat of Skywarps alt mode. Dozens of seat belts tied her up as the Minicons turned into cassette tapes, returning to inside Soundwaves chest before he transformed into his boombox mode, flying into a compartment of the seeker before he activated his engines, sealing the coverings as he took off into the sky, flying to return to Decepticon Headquarters.

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