Chapter 18 - I SAW RED!

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Sam's POV
I'm so upset.
She's driving me nuts for no reason.
There's always going to be Kendall so she has to deal with it .
I called her like a million times last night and she ignored everything. Sent her texts too begging her to come and let us talk it out but she ignored it all too.
My phone was getting a lot of notifications but I didn't have the energy to go through anything .

Just then Kendall called and while we were talking I confided in her about the situation and she told me she literally just saw Princess and Dominic  enter his room.

I asked for the room number and although she didn't wanna give me , she ended up giving me. I planned on storming into the room but the screams and moans I heard from the door to his room drove me back. She doesn't even scream like that for me . It doesn't sound like her anyway but the idea that it could be her hurt.

I sent her more texts telling her not to do anything stupid .

After my showcase everyone was excited for me.
Everyone congratulated me and although I was happy , I felt empty .

Then Kendall suddenly came to hug me, tightly. I noticed she did that cos Princess was walking towards us. I could see her from the side of my eye , I didn't wanna look at her . When she stood in front of us she cleared her throat dramatically. I almost burst out into laughter when that happened but I was too upset with her to react .

"Congratulations Sam, it was a great show" She said.

"Thanks" I said dismissing her .

"Come get me out of this dress" Kendall said. I know she's just trying to get Princess pissed and I don't mind it. I won't really get her out of the dress. I obviously have a whole team for that.
I followed her into the changing room after Princess walked away.

I'm enjoying the fact that this is getting to her.
The memory of me using someone else to make her jealous crept in and my subconscious said "You will lose her if you keep going at it" but I was too upset to stop .

She thinks  hanging out with a wannabe Chris Brown would make me jealous or fold .

Yes I'm jealous but all for what?

Then that dumb artist brought her flowers. I felt larva burn my insides out. She shouldn't be able to affect me like that.

I thought 'What are you fucking doing Princess'

He had the audacity to give my mum a bouquet of flowers also. I expected her to reject it but she didn't it .
It felt like he was asking my mum for her blessings to steal my girlfriend and my mother gave it to him by accepting the flowers . My Vision Blurred.

I went back to the changing room and Kendall followed me.

Then she played me a song . It was titled 'Intoxication'.

This fucking dude was sexualizing my girlfriend. He spoke on every mole , every curve , down the the depth of her collarbone to the fucking dimples down her lower back.
She never ever shows those dimples and those are literally my fucking favorite. How did he see that much detail about her nakedness if he didn't see it ? .

He spoke on the birthmark in between those dimples and how sweet she tastes.

She really did sleep with him!!!.
She was the one screaming at the top of her voice in that room? !!.
One thing I know about artists is that once they sing about sleeping with a named person , they really did it .

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