Chapter 17- Sleeping with the artist boy

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Day 4 - Thursday
My heart hurts. I put my phone on airplane mode throughout yesterday . Riley , Becky and Caroline are supposed to fly in today with Derick's family jet.

I finally removed it from airplane mode and texts and missed calls swarmed my phone.

Over 120 missed calls from Sam. Over 300 texts from him. I ignored them all.

The girls had tried to call me earlier.

Even Ms Braille called me 10 times.
Dominic called me 2 times and left voice messages.

Apparently he recorded the song and did a surprise drop and in less than 20 hrs he has had over 10 million streams on Apple Music alone.

I began to call everybody one after the other to tell them I was fine . All except Sam Of course .

The girls were on their way here already so I gave them my room number.
It's refreshing to spend some time with people who truly love me.

The show starts tonight and my job is to write a great article about the show, basically covering it. So I have to ask celebrities what they think etc.

Dominic called me and said he just made over a million on the music he dropped yesterday. I was super excited for him and he asked me to be on stage with him while he performed, I declined at first but he somehow convinced me to .

My phone rang and it was Massimo.
" hey my darling , the meeting is holding in 5 minutes, I need to assign everyone to their respective stations so make sure you are here before it starts" he said .

"Sure M, I'll be there" I said . I haven't even freshened up. I took a very quick shower and threw on sweats and rushed down .

I got there and I felt so much better seeing that Caroline and Riley had arrived. But to my surprise Sam walked in ... with Kendall.

I actually began to boil. My friends all looked at me.

She had a smug look on her face that really got to me.
The meeting was long and for some reason I was assigned to speak to the headlining models backstage throughout the event , that is , for the next couple of days.

Apparently Vogue is supposed to push Sam's show. Talk about nepotism. He is showcasing two times for whatever reason. On the first and second day of the event .

After Massimo was done with us, Care and Riley came to me and we stood there talking for a while after a long group hug .

"Honestly, as your friend I'm kinda tired of this back and forth" Care said.

"Tbh I think you should dump him , the same shit keeps happening over and over again " Riley said.
"I'll never approve of you two" Becky said out of nowhere .

I pulled her in for a hug .

"Seriously Princess , you should leave him. He's damaging your mental health" Becky said.

" You guys!!!!, I can see things for what they really are, I just need to think stuff through and revaluate" I said .
And it's true . Is this worth dumping him over ? Would it get worse if I let this go?.

I thought he would try to talk to me but he didn't . Instead he held Kendall's hand and walked away with her . It felt as if he was upset.

Is he upset cos I changed rooms ?

I ignored him during the show . It was about 8hrs long and we are 6hrs into it. Just  as he was about to showcase I stepped to the audience to watch . His pieces are 100% perfect. I was genuinely proud of him . Only if I could say it to him that I was proud of him. I recognize some of the clothes from the shoot I helped him organize.

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