Chapter 24

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Technos POV (trigger warnings for gore and violence, sorry if I didn't mention that before also implied character deaths)

Phil landed in front of me.

"Yo!" Tommy exclaimed, grinning.

"What the hell-?" Maddie asked looking him up and down.

Wilbur came over "woah! When did this happen?" He asked gesturing to phils wings.

Phil laughed "I mean I've always had them, but haven't had much use for them in years." He said shrugging.

"That's so cool!" Maddie said, inspecting them further, excitement noticeable in her voice.

The army were fast approaching so we all got into formation, prepared to fight, the rest of our small army on either side of us, weapons in hand.

"Charge!" I yelled.

We surged forward into the large mass of people, slashing them with swords and axes. Dream even had a fishing rod, which he used to launch his opponents into the air before impaling them on his sword.

Phil was behind me, just like old times. I could hear his sword whizzing through the air. I turned around briefly smiling. He turned to face me and matched my smile. Suddenly a soldier came out of nowhere, aiming for phils head.


Phil turned around and in record time stabbed the guy through the chest. The guy spluttered and fell backwards. As he hit the floor hi helmet fell off.

"Wilbur?!" Phil looked at the man in front of him and rushed forward to try and stop the bleeding but it was too late. Maddie turned around and spotted Phil on the floor holding a dead Wilbur in his arms. 

"Wil?!" Maddie screamed running over to them and collapsing on the floor next to Phil.

"Wait what happened?" Tommy said running over. He saw Wilbur and began to tear up. Phil was still attempting to stop the blood "no please no" he kept muttering.

I fell to my knees. "Not again. Please not again." My worst fears were confirmed by the ear shattering cry of pain and grief Phil let out holding Wilbur close to him. I felt tears stream down my face. I couldn't stop them. "No, no,no,no,no,no not like this. He didn't deserve this again" I leaned forward in pain.

"What the fuck?" They put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Wilbur still alive, looking shocked at he looked around at the scene. A stray arrow suddenly struck him in the shoulder.

"Are you excited?" I opened my eyes to see a hazy room. It was a bit like a dream. Everything was slightly blurred.

"Are you excited?" 

'I remember this. It's the day tommy and maddie were born' I looked around again. Me and Wilbur were sat on our old bunk bed.

"Well I'm excited. We get to meet them. Are you excited to meet them tech?"


"Mummy already picked out their names. Two girls ; lily and grace. Two boys; Toby and mark. And mummy said that if she had 1 boy and 1 girl that we could name them! Isn't that cool? Techie?"

"Hmm?" I said perking up at Wilburs old nickname for me. I looked at him. My brother. We were 6 at this time. I remembered Phil telling us not to leave our room. So there we stayed. As I sat on the bed hours seemed to pass in front of me in seconds. I watched as Wilbur walked over to the bookshelf and read a few books then moved onto the toy box. I saw myself playing games with him, us reading a book together and eventually us sleeping  next to each other, wils head resting on my shoulder. Suddenly I was back in my body as the door creaked open. Phil poked his head around.

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