Chapter 3

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Maddie POV [some swearing for this chapter]

The note that Techno had slid under my door had 10 words on it.

6 am. The meadow outside the gardens. Don't be late.

After Techno had ignored me and headed to his room, I wondered what on earth he meant. We had never been that close. I mostly preferred hanging out with Wilbur over him since me and Wil had more in common and because I didn't want to hang out with Tommy. He's always been super competitive, needing to be the best is a super annoying flaw that he has. So for Techno to not come and comfort me like Wilbur did was normal. But leaving me a strange note was out of the ordinary. He was obviously using some weird telepathy. How else would he know that I wake up before 6 each morning? I climbed into bed.

'Maybe he'll execute me so I can't get in the way of precious Tommy becoming the next king' I said out loud. Techno was a war god. He's one of the reasons we're such a feared kingdom. And as much as I don't like him that much I have to say. His reputation is impressive.' I could feel my eyes getting heavy. 'Might as well go see him tomorrow. Not like I have anything better to do anyway.'

Techno POV

I could see her small figure on the hill. She was wearing her usual outfit. An intricate purple blouse with white dress trousers. Her long, curly, brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail. Her brown eyes cut into me.

'What do you want Techno?'

Even though she was quite far away I could hear her perfectly. The wind carried her voice across the field perfectly. 'Just like mother'. God Wilbur was right. She'd be a great ruler.

She reached me where I knew our class would begin. I pulled out the dulled sword and swung it towards her. She ducked.

'WHAT THE HELL TECHNO!' She shouted dodging more swings from my sword.

'You wanted to know what I wanted'


She grabbed it and yanked it out of my hands. I was pleasantly surprised by her strength.

'Now what do you want? Why have you called me down here this early in the morning? You made me get up early'

'Oh we both know that's BS Maddie. You wake up at 5am. I knew you'd be ready at 6.'

'Why 6 though? Isn't that still really early?' She inquired handing the sword back to me.

'That's the point. We both know that Tommy wakes up around 9 and Wilbur usually misses breakfast because of how late he sleeps in. It gives us 3 hours of peace'

'For what exactly?'

'Your training duh'

'My what?'

'Oh for goodness sake, are you always this blunt? Even Wilbur was brighter than you at your age and he had just stopped eating random shit'

'Hey watch your language. Why do I need training if I'm not gonna be a ruler?'

'One, You sound like Phil and Two, You need training because you need to protect yourself regardless of your title and because I can't have another sibling ruining this family's reputation on the battlefield'

'I assume you mean Wil'

'I love my brother very much but when it comes down to it he's not gonna be winning any wars anytime soon. Have you seen his arms? Can barely hold a pick that boy'

I passed her a blunt wooden sword.

'Hey watch what you say about my favourite brother'


She laughed as she swung at me with the stick.

After about an hour i took the sword off of her.

'Hey what was that for? We've still got like two hours left. What do you expect me to do? Use my hands?'


'Why though? Using swords is fun'

'I doubt the poor thing would agree'

'Your so weird'

'I'd rather be weird than weak'

After grabbing what I needed I looked back up at her. She stood looking very unimpressed.

'Right, let's try this again. The only time you'll most likely be using a sword is on the battlefield and unless Phil has gone soft that will not happen for a very long time. So let's start with defending yourself without a weapon'

I threw her a punching glove which she gracefully fell to the ground trying to catch.

'Rub that stupid smirk off of your face idiot'

'Was that too high for you? Oh I'm sorry Princess' I said bowing mockingly. When I looked back up I was met with a swift and painful punch. I fell backwards. She offered her hand out to me.

'Was that too hard for you? oh I'm sorry Princess' She said pulling me up.

'Alright alright good punch' I said rubbing my nose.

'Just good? Your nose says different'

To my utter despair my nose was bleeding.

'Lucky shot'

I told myself to go easy on her before since she was smaller and younger than me. That went out the window quick.

By the time we returned she was bruised up her arms.

'You're such a dick Techno' she said rubbing her arms.

'What happened to WaTcH yOuR lAnGuAgE'

'Careful, now who sounds like dad?' We both laughed as we headed up the stairs.

Fundy almost fainted when he saw us.

'Oh my god What happened to you!' He ran to Maddie first completely ignoring me. 

'The king is gonna kill me. I can't believe you got hurt Maddie. What were you thinking?'

'Sorry Fundy we were just training' Maddie looked down slightly ashamed. She and Fundy were close friends along with Fundy's younger sister Niki. Fundy was 14 while Niki was eleven.

'It's okay Maddie you're not in trouble' He turned to me ' You however, wait until I tell King Philza'

'Tell me what' 

We all turned around to see Phil stood behind us. He looked very regal in the sunlight. That lasted exactly 10 seconds after he left the healthy glow of the sun. His eyes had dark bags under them and his usual mop of silky gold hair was unbrushed. His crown was slightly askew and his usually sparkling blue eyes had lost their sparkle.

'Jesus Phil, You look like you haven't slept'

'That's because I haven't. I've been up all night trying to figure out the situation'

'What situation' Maddie's voice perked up from behind Fundy. Phil's eyes widened as if he was shocked to see her. 

'Nothing, anyway Fundy what did you want to talk to me about?'

'Well sire Technoblade stupidly trained with his ten year old sister and now she has bruises up and down her arms.'

'Well by the looks of it she seems completely fine. Techno on the other hand. Jesus Christ. What did she do to you son?' Phil said laughing as he took in my broken nose and scratch marks drawn across my face.

'Phil believe me when I say. That girl can punch' I shivered making Phil chuckle.

'Well obviously. I don't have to believe you I can see the damage. Good on you Mads. Anyway I would suggest you both taking a shower. I can smell you from here Techno. Breakfast is at 11. Don't be late. Oh and Maddie wear something with long sleeves Wil would flip out if he saw his pride and joy covered in bruises' with that Phil left patting Maddie on the back 'Well done Techno looks broken' She giggled.

'That's the last time I go easy on you kid' I said before heading to my room.

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