Chapter 22

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Maddie's POV

"It's been a few days since the incidents. After nightmare was locked up techno went to rest in his room. We haven't seen him yet so we are assuming that he's okay. Dream is in his room as well. George won't let anyone else look after him and has become very protective of him recently. The troops are still being trained with Sapnap taking dreams place. Puffy was very worried about him but had to focus on the upcoming threat. Tubbo and Ranboo have been around more and Karl pops in every now and then. He's a strange person but he's very nice. Wilbur and Sally are still trying to get last minute recruits, even though we've got almost everyone we can get. Even bad and Skeppy have joined. Bad's a backup medic and Skeppy is one of the soldiers. Lots of people are helping with the fight, even though they aren't very experienced since about a week ago they were all living normal lives. The atmosphere is surprisingly good considering I'm basically marching these poor people to their deaths. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. If I don't see you again Tom, you can have the kingdom. You wanted it. I just don't care about this issue anymore. Hope you have a nice life after all of this. Maddie." 

I put a full stop at the end of my letter and placed down my pen taking a deep breath. The atmosphere in my office was tense, like the air was holding its breath. Nightmare was gone. There was nothing except the war to worry about. Was there? Father is fine, but I have the feeling he's getting worse. 

'I need to visit him' the thought flashed through my head. I got up from my desk and gave the bird that had landed on the windowsill my letter.

"Take it to toms. Please" I said stroking it gently. It was a crow. A bird I was very familiar with since dad used to be surrounded by the things. Wilbur always talked about how it looked like they talked to him. Which I found mildly absurd, but you never know. The bird flew off. A sudden chill went down my spine. I shivered slightly and decided to go for a walk. I left my room and walked down the stairs, lost in my thoughts. I hadn't noticed that I went past the gardens and had headed straight down a dingy little staircase. It was as if my body couldn't be controlled. Like I was in a trance. I pushed open a heavy door. It was almost silent. Except for the whimpering in the corner. I assumed an animal got trapped down here. 

"Hello?" I said inching closer to the back of the room. The whimpers stopped abruptly as I reached the last cell. It had a purple tinge to it and felt powerful. The cell was empty. I was about to leave when I heard a voice.

"Please, don't go"

I swivelled around at his voice. 


They chuckled slightly. "Please don't leave. They're quieter when your here."

"Who is?" I asked tentatively moving towards the cell. I could barely make out his shadow in the corner. He was hunched over in a ball lying on his side.

"Two days. They haven't been quiet for two whole days. Just endless hours of constant noise. On a loop. They don't shut up. They never shut up" he said hands over his ears.

"Who is it nightmare? Who's been talking to you?" I was leaned in close to the cell at this point.

"CHAT!" His face was next to mine. He had moved so quickly that I threw myself backwards in fear.

"THEY DON'T SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" He moved backwards holding his hands over his ears and shaking violently. He looked up again at me with wild eyes. "You. You stopped them. You can stop them. You can make him take it back."  They muttered  over and over again.

"Make who take what back?"

"THE BLADE" and with that he collapsed onto the floor.

I scrambled up to check on him. His chest was rising and falling slowly. 'He's asleep'. I felt no pity as I stood there watching him. 

"Why are you here?" A gruff voice said behind me.

'Shit' I winced turning around to meet his cold grey eyes.

"Shit indeed"

Wilburs POV

An alarm rang out across the castle. They had been seen. It was starting. I held onto sallys hand tightly as I led her up the stairs and burst into phils room.

"Father!" I said moving Sally into the room.

"Wil? What're you doing? It's a war wil they need everyone..." I held her back as she tried to move past me. 

"Not everyone" I kissed her cheek and stomach.

"Wil? Wait NO!" She yelled as I closed and locked the door.

"I'm sorry love. It's for your own good" I said putting my head against the door.


"I'm sorry love, I can't do that" 


"Stay safe, I love you" I ran off before I could hear her reply. I rushed into the armoury where the troops were gearing up with everything they had. I grabbed a few weapons and an iron suit if armour. 'It'll have to do' I ran  over to puffy and niki who stood on the edge of the flower field.

"How're we looking?"

"Where's Sally?" Puffy asked. I shook my head at her.

"Um they've stopped at the west side of the meadow" niki said, also looking for Sally.

"It's clear then isn't it. They charge, we charge" I said looking out over the vast army in front of me.

"Prepare the rest of the troops. For we are going to war" puffy said turning round to head back to the army, followed closely by niki.

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