Chapter 17

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Tommy's POV

I sat in front of them wringing my hands together. 'Where the fuck is he?' 

"King Tommy? When is your associate going to be here?" He stood with a clip board in a full length black suit and glasses, his hair slicked very far back.

I smiled at him nervously. Suddenly the door burst open, revealing a very distraught looking techno. I shot him a pointed look. He smiled nervously and adjusted his small crown in his hair. He wore a dress shirt with a few buttons undone and a pair of black dress trousers. 

"Sorry I'm late Sire" he said bowing before making his way over to the man I had held eye contact with for the awkward part of a hour. He held out his hand stoically as the man shook his hand, clipboard under his arm. 

"Go on then Mr Blade lead the way sir" the man said adjusting his glasses and holding his hand out in front of him, the other holding the clipboard tightly.

I sighed deeply as they left the room. 'Where the hell was he? I need to talk to someone about it, he's been acting weird' I got up from my chair and left the room, my robes falling behind me. I walked through my castle to a small door in the wall. At first glance it wouldn't be noticeable as it was fairly low and grey which made it blend into the grey stone walls perfectly. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. Techno thought this room was a storage closet. It wasn't. I descended the stairwell into a damp basement where another door stood, bigger and a deep brown like all of the other doors in my castle. I walked up to it and put my key gently in the lock. The door creaked open before I turned the key. I stood back slightly. I removed my dagger from its holester. Carefully I moved towards the door, arm poised with the dagger in hand. I pushed the door open more as it led to another staircase. I took a breath and lowered my hand. 'I must've forgotten to lock it last time I was here' I pocketed the dagger and ascended the stairs where I reached another door. I pushed it open slightly and entered the beautiful library section of the room. Dark oak was everywhere and a warm farm place was lit. I walked through looking at the engravings in the wood. I touched my hand to one when I heard the door open. I ducked behind an armchair. I heard someone come in, close the door and make their way over to the other half of the room. 


'Oh shit. No. Not her' I cursed silently as I over heard her conversation  with him. 

"Father, I'm lost. I have no idea what to do. They've called war on us. War. And I have no way to defend my people. Please father help me. Advise me about what to do."

I heard his soft gruff voice. I peeked up over the arm chair. She had her back to me and was sat on the bed. I could see my father in his bed. His hair was very white and he looked like he was aging every second. He looked quite pale and fragile. I felt a sharp pain in my heart and heard a small voice in my mind.

"Your fault he's this way. It's your fault he's weak. You were selfish. Look at him."

I met his eyes and they brightened for a second before he turned to her.

"Don't worry, everything will sort itself out eventually."

"Thank you father. I will try my best to help this fine nation" she bent down and placed a kiss in his forehead. She turned around and was about to leave when she turned around and met dads eyes.

"Father, when will this be fixed?" 

"I don't know Maddie. Though I have a feeling that it'll be soon" he looked at me and I ducked down again.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it" she said before turning around and leaving the room.

I stood up and my father smiled at me warmly.

"Tommy. Too long. It's been too long since you came to me for advice."

"Yea" I said placing my hand in my neck and avoiding his stare.

"Go on then, what's your problem?"


"Oh. Really? Techno. You're worried about techno?"

"No not really. Well a bit." I moved closer to him and sat down as far away from him as I could on the bed. "I think I made a mistake."

"Go on" he said sitting up slightly.

"So um we were talking about um something and I got mad at him"

"That's not too bad what did you say to him?"

"I kind of told him that if he um went against me that I would um exile him from my kingdom."

"Tommy." He said shaking his head, a stern demeanour taking over his face.

"I-I know and I think he might be um scared of me now."

"Technos never very scared"

"Well he was late for this important meeting thing this morning and when he finally arrived he didn't really talk to me and left very quickly"

"He's probably mad at you and probably quite shocked. I mean if my younger brother told me he'd exile  me from my home I'd be quite scared as well." He shook his head. "You need to apologise Tom"

"Really? But why though?" I said balling up my fists slightly. 

"Thomas do not make me use what little strength I have to get you to apologise to your brother."

"Fine I'll do it" 


I turned around a pond said behind me "lovely talking to you again. Father" before closing the door behind me.

Maddie's POV

Father wasn't alone. I wasn't alone in that room. There was  someone else there. I felt it. Someone behind an armchair. Father looked at them. Maybe it was techno. Was that how he had been getting through the border. Tubbo and Ranboo never saw him cross. As I pondered this Niki came running over to me. 

"Mads. You need to come see this"

I ran behind niki down the stairs and into the map room where puffy and Sally sat inspecting a charred note on the table. I walked around to it and read the words written on it.

"We will not wait any longer. You have a week. Prepare your troops for battle in the meadow. And be ready queen Madelyn, for we will not be merciful" I touched the red ink on the page. It was not ink. It was blood.


Hello everyone. 👋👋

Sorry I haven't been writing very much it has been a fairly busy few weeks. 

I want to thank you all for reading this book even if there is only like 6 of you here.

It really means a lot to me.

Also I have some other ideas for more books but I can't really choose any that I really want to do. If you want I  can ask you next time which ones you think I should write/publish.

But yea other than that. I don't really have much to say. This isn't the end of the book I have a few more chapters I want to get written and published but I am having to work around a lot of stuff like the ungodly amount of homework my school gives me 😂.

Again I am very thankful for everyone who thinks that my book is worth reading 😊

Until next time



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