Chapter 5

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Maddie's POV

The next day dad called us downstairs to discuss the current issue. My heart broke when I heard the news. Dad said that after the party Wil was gonna leave with one of the guests and their family. Wil was going to be gone for three years. I hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear that everything was going to be ok.

That night during the party I stayed upstairs not wanting to go downstairs. That's when I heard a Knock on the door.

'Can I come in miss?'

It was a voice I'd never heard before. I opened the door slowly and looked up. I saw a boy. My first observation was that he was tall. Taller than Wilbur who was 6'5ft. He must have been around 6'8ft tall. I looked up at him.

'How the hell are you that tall?'

'I'm part enderman'

'Woah You're a hybrid? I've only read about them in books. You're super unique'

'Um thank you I guess? Anyway Princess The king is looking for you.'

'So you're a butler? I haven't seen you around before'

'No I'm not a butler, I just came upstairs to get you to come downstairs no-no other reason'

He flashed a nervous smile.

'Okay is there a reason that you are quite clearly lying to me?'

'Um ok don't tell anyone I told you this but well you see, I'm Tommy's friend- Ranboo and Tommy mentioned how much he was missing you so I asked where you were and he told me that you were inside you're room and that you refused to leave. I mean I tried to teleport here but I ended up in the kitchens and got yelled at so I didn't try that anymore-'

'Ranboo, I'll come downstairs- just stop talking god'

'Oh good!'he said, smiling. We walked downstairs to the ball room.

' Also I'm sorry I talk a lot when I'm nervous you know-'

'Oh believe me I know' Tommy stood at the door.

'Get your ass here now. Dad wants you'

He left and went in front of me and entered the ball room. I stood back quite nervously.

'Hey why have you stopped?' Ranboo asked, looking at me inquisitively.

'I'm nervous. I don't like big events. They freak me out.'

'Um that's ok. I can walk in with you if you want'

'Yes I would like that very much' He held my hand. I looked up at him. We walked forward and pushed the door open and stepped forward.

Tommy POV

I waited for a few minutes inside the ball room surrounded by people. No one really noticed my presence there. She still hasn't entered the room. I was just about to go back and push her into the room when I heard the door creak open. Everyone's heads turned as she entered the room. She was wearing a purple dress that flew out under her. She looked like Cinderella at the ball. As everyone looked at her in awe I looked at the boy who was holding my sister's hand. My friend who had convinced my sister to leave her room and enter this room. He was very tall. Too tall. I wasn't friends with him. He was from another kingdom. Apparently Tubbo knew him but I didn't really trust this guy very much.

I quickly walked over to Maddie, who was still holding onto his hand for dear life, and snatched her away from him.

'What the hell do you think you're doing fraternising with him?'

'What do you mean?'

'That Ranboo guy. He's from the Hybrid Kingdom. A sworn enemy of our kingdom. He's a spy I'm sure of it.'

'No you're just paranoid Ranboo's harmless.'

'Is that right? Well then tell me where he is?' I hid a small smirk.

She looked around frantically looking for him.

'No he can't be a spy can he?' 

Suddenly Ranboo grabbed her shoulders


She let out a small shriek.

'You're the worst you know that' She said as me and Ranboo almost fell to the ground laughing our asses off.

A few hours later

Almost everyone had left when Dad called us over to say goodbye to Wilbur. Maddie was crying as she held onto him for dear life, begging for him not to leave. I kept myself mostly composed since me and Wil weren't that close anymore even though I did cry a little bit when he hugged me. Then it was Techno's turn. He held his hand out for Wilbur to shake but to his surprise Wilbur pulled him into a hug. He turned to Maddie and whispered something in her ears. She nodded and hugged him tightly. Then that was it. We wouldn't see Wilbur for the next 3 years.

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