Chapter 6

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Maddie POV              Three years later (she and Tommy are thirteen and Wilbur and Techno are 19)

It was the morning of my thirteenth birthday. I just laid in bed. I checked the time. 5:03am. I rolled my eyes and sat up in my bed.

'It's probably too early for me to get up then.' I said lying back down hands on my head. I picked up a book on my nightstand. An hour later I heard knocking on my door.

'Piss off Techno it's my day off!'

The knocking stopped for a few minutes before it started again.


The knocking stopped. Then I heard it. A small sniffle came from behind the door.

'Tommy?' I said getting up and walking to the door. I opened it and there he stood. His hair fell over his eyes as he held onto his cow stuffed animal. His eyes were red and puffy and his bottom lip was quivering.

'Did you have a nightmare again?'

He nodded. 

'Come in then.' I said moving out of the way as he walked into my room and curled up on my bed. I walked over to him and sat down next to him on the bed. He placed his head on my shoulder as I gave him a side hug.

'Do you want to talk about it?' I asked calmly rubbing circles on his back. He shook his head. 'Was it her again?' He nodded and sniffled looking up at me. He'd had the nightmares for years. He used to go to mother but once she died his nightmares were filled with the awful memory of how he found her that night. 

I was around 7. It was around 1am. I was awoken to a high pitched scream. I got out of bed and opened my door. Tommy's door was open opposite mine and lots of maids and guards were running past me. Suddenly Wilbur came running past and spotted me. He held my shoulders and told me that everything was ok and pulled me into a hug. I was extremely confused. I held his hand as he led me into my mother's room. I saw dad crying as he sat on the end of the bed. I saw Techno standing holding a sobbing Tommy in his arms. It was tommy that had screamed. Wilbur led me over to the bed where I saw her. She had her hands on her stomach. Her face was pale and her eyes were closed. A stack of books was by her bed. I walked over to her and touched her cheek. It was cold. I felt the tears that ran down my face. I turned round to face Wil who had tears in his eyes. 'W-Wil why isn't she waking up?' I remember shaking her while crying. Eventually Wilbur had to pick me up and take me back to my room. He lay down with me and held me till we fell asleep. 

I was brought out of my thoughts by soft snoring on my shoulder. Tommy was asleep. I slowly laid him down onto my bed and got up. I left my room and headed downstairs. I saw Dream standing outside the dining room. 

'Hello miss Happy birthday' he flashed a smile at me. 'If you don't mind me saying isn't it a bit early for you to be awake?' I didn't want to tell him it was because Tommy was asleep on my bed after having a nightmare. He got on my nerves but I wouldn't jeopardise his reputation in the castle. 

'Oh it's just old habits I kind of forgot that it was my day off from training' He laughed.

'Tell Techno he needs to stop traumatising you into waking up at ridiculous times' He joked.

'But you're awake now'

'Well yes but that's because it's my duty to look after the castle and the royal family that live here'

'You're actually proud because you get to stay up at night?'

'Well yeah the worst enemies come at night to catch us all off guard'

'Is that so? Well with that logic I would assume that they would come during the day'

'Really? Why's that? Wouldn't they just be in the open?'

'Well yes but the thing is as you said you're working the night shift because you're one of the strongest guards and that enemies come at night. So during the day the castle wouldn't be as well defended and it's more easy to see and navigate your surroundings. Yes there are more people awake but that means the castle is more crowded making it easier for the enemy to slide in undetected.'

'I never thought about it like that' He said thinking it over 'I suppose that would make more sense.' He looked at me 'How are you this smart?'

'I read proper books not the comics you read'

'Hey you could learn something from the things I read'

I turned to head up the stairs. 'I highly doubt it Dream' I said before ascending the stairs. I turned around to see Dream consulting Sapnap the guard opposite him who burst into laughter and patted him on the back.

I turned the corner and crashed into someone. 

'Oh god I'm so sorry' I said looking up at the person. She was quite pretty. She was older than me- that's for sure- and her hair was ginger. She wore a salmon coloured dress and looked fairly star struck when she saw me. 

'What are you doing awake?' she asked confused. 

'Who are you?' 

'Um I-I have to go it was lovely meeting you-' She turned around and ran off.

'What? Wait!' I called after her but she was already gone.

'Weirdo' I muttered under my breath. 'I should just go back to my room until breakfast'. So that's what I did. I headed up to my room and opened the door. Tommy was curled up under the covers so I walked over to my reading corner and reread my books. 

I must've been there for a few hours because a person knocked on my door. I checked the time. 8:07am. 

I opened the door and saw Niki.

'Niki!' I said giving her a hug. 'I missed you'

'We saw each other yesterday'

'Too long'

We both laughed and Tommy stirred.

'What's going on?' He mumbled sleepily rubbing his eyes. He looked at me and Niki and immediately flushed red. 'I-I should go' He said pushing past me and Niki and heading to his room. When he closed the door we looked at each other and burst out laughing.

'Looks like our new king still wears Minecraft pyjamas'

'I know right'

'Good to know Henry still gets the attention he deserves' We both giggled.

'Anyway I got you something'

'Oh Niki you didn't have to'

'Yes I did. You're my best friend and I want you to be happy on your birthday' She handed me a small present wrapped neatly with purple wrapping paper. I opened it to find a jewellery box. Inside was a necklace with an amethyst and the words World's best friend on it. 

'Oh Niki this is beautiful! How did you get it?' 

'Well obviously I bought it for you.'

'Oh this must've cost a fortune.'

'Not really Skeppy was quite considerate, especially when I said it was for my best friend'

'I mean wow Thank you!' I said hugging her tightly.

'Also I saw your dad. He told me to tell you that you need to go downstairs. He also said to get Tommy.'

'Why it's not time for breakfast yet'

'I don't know, he said something about guests'

'Ok thanks Niki'

'Good luck' She said hugging me once more 'I'll see you at the tree?'

'Yeah see you there'

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