Chapter 4

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Wilbur's POV[some swearing in this chapter]

I ran downstairs and entered the dining room. Father had requested that we came downstairs on time for lunch. So naturally I was very rushed this afternoon after sleeping in for half the day. I burst into the room.

'I'm so sorry father, My alarm didn't go off ' I said sitting down next to Maddie. Her hair was soaking wet and she smelled of strawberries. 'Maddie, did you use my shampoo?'


'Okay you two settle down that's not important right now' Father said trying to settle us down.

'But father you don't understand, for her to use my shampoo she had to enter my room, go into my bathroom and steal it. AND she never returns it-'

'WIL I said it's not important right now. You can get your shampoo after lunch. So you may be wondering why I've asked you all to be here at lunch this afternoon'

'Well quite technically it's such a late lunch that it should be counted as dinner. unless we plan on having a later dinner then it's still lunch'

'Techno as much as I love your wonderful little corrections I am going to request that you SHUT UP AND LET ME FUCKING TALK!' The entire table went quiet. Usually it was Phil who would tell us to watch our language and not shout.

'Sorry father' me and Techno said in unison. I looked at my food and avoided eye contact.

'Right so this week as you all know I have been very preoccupied with the Royal Ball to celebrate Wilbur and Techno's birthday tomorrow. The tailors are very excited to make whatever clothes you  want but they do have to follow the dress code.'

'What dress code?' Tommy interrupted.

'Well for instance No baseball t-shirts'


'Tommy be quiet and let me continue. So also the cooks are going to make a buffet but I'm not sure you're going to like all of it so eat something I don't want you going hungry. Right does anyone have any questions'

Techno opened his mouth to ask a question.

'Before you ask no you cannot wear your piglin mask to the party'

'WHYYYYY it's really cool'

'No Tech it's a formal event'

'My mask is formal'

'No Techno stop asking. You're not wearing that mask'

Techno crossed his arms and stared at his food. Maddie pushed her chair back and got up from the table. It was the first time I'd properly noticed her during the conversation. She was unusually silent. She left the room silently. Phil looked up at the door. As I looked around the table I noticed everyone. Techno's nose was crooked and he had a tissue in his nose. Tommy's eyes were ever so slightly puffy as if he'd been crying. Phil looked tired. 

'Tommy can you please leave?' Phil asked. Tommy nodded and left the  room.

'So boys. You know that I didn't ask you both to come down here just for the party. As you both know we have a situation on our hands. I have come to a solution. So-'

Maddie POV

I walked around the gardens for a bit, thinking about the conversation at lunch. 'He didn't even bring up the fact that I'm not even going to be considered for ruler'

'What's wrong miss?'


I looked up at the origin of the voice. It was a guard. He had dirty blond hair and bright green eyes. I knew of him. He stood outside the dining room.

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