Chapter 13

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Maddie's POV

We sat in the massive church hall. Much to everyone's surprise we were not late, in fact only about a third of the kingdom were there. After more people had arrived the ceremony started. Wil sat in the advisors chairs with Techno on his left, Tubbo , Ranboo and Sally were all sat in the front row and I sat next to Wilbur with Tommy on my right. A large gap was in the middle and behind us in the middle sat our dad. I caught Tommy's gaze and tried to talk to him but was quickly silenced by Wilbur who cleared his throat to get my attention. I looked down at my hands that sat comfortably in my lap. Wilbur could tell how nervous I was and attempted to reassure me before he too was silenced by the still and quiet energy that suddenly resided over  the crowd. I looked up from my hands confused as to why the entire hall was dead silent. The official had called for the silence and the ceremony was now properly underway. 

I tuned out most of what the official was saying since it was just a brief explanation as to why instead of one ruler being crowned it was now two. I paid attention to the oath and recited it dutifully. I caught Wil's gaze and he looked very proud. Once the crowns were placed on me and Tommy's heads the official was about to announce the end of the ceremony before tommy cleared his throat and stood up.

"I have something I want to say to my new subjects" the official bowed his head and moved out of the way.

"My loyal subjects, it is a great honour that I am here to speak with you all today. I cannot describe the overwhelming sense of gratitude you all have given me as well as this crown which marks leadership and power. I will do all I can to serve this fine kingdom and all of its people" he paused. Wil and Techno looked up at him. Was that it? Was he not going to go through with it?



"As much as i love all of you I know that some of you out there do not share the same feelings towards me. I know that some of you would rather be ruled by one person. I know that some of you think that the right person to rule this fair kingdom is not me. No I know that some of you believe it is her who should rule." He pointed a finger at me. "How can I keep this kingdom a safe and just place if I know that there are some people out there, right now, in the crowd that do not believe in my rule. It is for this reason that I have decided" I launched up from my seat. I moved over to him where he stood at the front of the hall. 

"No Tom please. Don't do it. Please. I'm begging you. Don't listen to jealousy. Listen to your heart. Don't do it please" I gripped his arm tightly. He looked at me shocked for a minute before his face melted into a sad smile. 

"I'm sorry Maddie. I am listening to my heart" his gaze turned cold and he shrugged my hand off of his arm. I turned around to face Wilbur. He knew something had gone wrong. He rushed to stand up. "It is why for that reason that I have decided"

Techno knew what was going on now and jumped up as well reaching for Tommy.


I felt my knees begin to shake and my head spin.


Everything seemed to go in slow motion as my vision became blurry.

"The kingdom"

Like a finishing blow the words left his mouth and my knees gave in. Suddenly my world spun out of proportion. It was like I had been flung into the future. Ranboo jumping up from his seat and rushing over to me. The people in the crowds reaction to what Tommy had just declared. Wilbur's yell as I hit the floor. Thousands of people moving to different half's of the country. A massive wall being built.

[two years later- Tommy and Maddie are now 18]

I  woke up and was immediately aware of the person next to me who was violently shaking my shoulder.

"Your majesty. Your majesty!"

"What is it now for heavens sake?!"

"You need to be awake now ma'am"

"Yes , yes okay alright I'm awake now thank you" I said getting up gingerly. I got dressed and walked down the stairs. They weren't as grand as the original castle since that one had been knocked down and replaced with two identical and smaller versions. I could see the massive wall that went for as far as the eye could see. Tommy made every person in the kingdom choose a side. Family's were torn apart, homes were abandoned. Now I only got to see Techno once a year when he would come with Tommy to try to convince him to join the kingdom again. Every time it ended up in an argument. 

"Ah, she lives" Wilbur said as I descended the stairs. I saw Dream stood at his post by the main doors.

"Be quiet" I said smiling slightly. I entered the dining room as spotted Sally sat down with a few other leaders from different kingdoms. They had a map with lots of multicoloured dots on it. At the head of the table stood Puffy. As I entered the room everyone bowed. 

"How nice of you to join us ma'am. We were discussing the threat." Puffy said standing up straight.

"The threat?" I asked making my way over to the table and inspecting the map. The dots were over multiple small villages and spelt out a rather menacing word. "War? WHO is waging war on us?"

"The red army. They're approaching from the east" puffy said pointing to a small area just on the outskirts of the kingdom. "We estimate that in exactly two weeks they will invade the city capital and attempt to in no uncertain terms obliterate us"

"Well what do they want anyway? Are they just trying to wage war on my brother? He's the one with the powerful army not us." I said waving my hand dismissively, my eyes moving along the line that separates the two kingdoms.

"Yes ma'am I think that's the point. We're like sitting ducks" puffy said crossing her arms slightly.

"No defence systems, no army. I suggest we better change that now".

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