Forth remained silent as he stared blankly at the vast ocean.

After heaving a tired sigh, Ai'Inn patted his shoulder to show his support. They are brothers, after all. He can't let his friend wallow in sadness alone.

"Guys, it's time. Let's go," shouted Ai'Run as he ran towards them.

'Go? Go where? Their internship wouldn't start till the 3rd of January?' was all Forth could think as he stared at Run like a freak, Which he was sometimes.

"Guys, We are invited to the New Year Party by the seniors. They are having a blast near the shores.
The tent and decorations are so lively.
They have a live band too. We are going, and it's not up for discussion. Let's go," Ai' Run urged again. He has been trying to lift Forth's mood since the day they came here for an internship on Christmas.

"I'm not coming, guys. You both should carry on," answered Forth with his gloomy voice as he returned to stare blankly at sea.

"Forth, staring at the ocean relaxes our mind, I understand that, but you got to live your life, man. You are starting to worry us," said Ai'Run in all honestly.

After heaving a deep sigh, Forth turned to face his friends, who had worried expressions.

"I'm fine. I need a few more days to get back on track. I will get better before the internship. Don't worry," after saying that, Forth started to walk by the seashores, where the waves welcomed him.

Ocean used to terrify him, but now it only makes him remember Beam, and now it gives him comfort, which he couldn't realise before with his phobia attached.


"Let's go, Inn. He will come around. Let's let him grieve for his lost love," added Run as he understood the emotion.

He once felt those emotions when he decided to stay by Inn's side as a friend instead of confessing his feeling to him. The fear of losing him as both a friend and lover scared him.

And so, he decided to bury it within himself. Luckily, he soon realised the feelings were mutual and were brave enough to confess to him.

They watched Forth walk with slumped shoulders and lonely steps as they left for the party.

"I don't understand why they have to face so much pain. It's not fair," whined Inn to Run as they walked to the tents.

"Life is unfair. But I wish for a New Year Miracle to happen and change all this sadness into happiness. I know it may sound childish, but a man can dream, right?" said Run softly as he held Inn's hands.

"I wish for his happiness, too. If Nong Fiat is here, he could somehow annoy Forth, and he would be angry instead of sad," replied Inn sadly.

"P'INN!!! P'RUN!!!.............." they heard a loud voice calling out for them.

They wonder who calls them 'Phi' in this place where they are supposed to be the youngest.

"P'INN!!! P'RUN!!! LOOK ON YOUR LEFT!!!.............." comes the loud yelling again. They quickly turned and got surprised to see Fiat with Leo getting off the nearby cab.

"Speaking of Devil, here he is!" mumbled Run in a whisper, which got heard by Inn as he chuckled at him.

Within seconds, Fiat came running and hugged Inn in a tight hug.

"Okay, that's enough. Let go of my boyfriend. Go hug yours," scolded Run as he separated the happy reunion.

"P'Inn, I MISSED YOU," shouted Fiat purposely to bug his P'Run.

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