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Fiona sat there sobbing with sadness in her eyes. Bright red and blue lights were flashing outside her window shining in, as she noticed this Fiona quickly put a mask on with a black hoodie and some pale yellow contact lenses. As the ambulance and police arrived at the door. The ambulance group entered her house, looking around the room to only see a little boy on a red stained carpet the ambulance group rushed to the little boy and picked him up so they could take him to the hospital.

While the group of police rushed inside the house to Investigate the crime and see what had happened to the little boy and how. Although one officer approached Fiona seeing if she was alright and new anything of what would of happened.

"Officer" Miss, we're you the one who called us?

Fiona took a quick look at the officer and then looked away, still filled with sadness and a strong sense of pain within her heart that felt like a scar that could never be healed.

"Officer" Miss? Are you there?

Fiona accepted to answer this time knowing if she doesn't, the officer would keep asking her- "are you there miss?"


"Officer" ok good, we need to know if you know anything that could of done this or who- do you have any suspects who might have done this? Or what might of? I don't

"Officer"hmm.. ok, we found a spilled drink on the ground. Do you know if anything was inside of it?

At this moment of time Fiona wasn't really listening, she was but- she just wasn't processing what the officer was saying.

"Officer" hmm.. ok thank you for your time ma'm, I know this must be hard would you like me to call someone to talk with you? Like your family or someone close to you?

"Officer" alright then, I'll leave you be- if you come up with anything of what have might of caused this, call us.

The officer left Fiona and started walking over to the other offices, probably to go tell them to pack it up and discuss it more at the station was Fiona's guess. As everyone was beginning to leave Fiona got her self up and sat her self on the couch sobbing. She really wanted to go visit her brother, "Tyson" at the hospital but she new she couldn't because of... The past you could say..

You see...
When Tyson was born but he was only 1 while he was sleeping. Fiona her mum and dad had things to do Fiona's mum and dad both had a job- well dad didn't really have a job his job was looking after me "Fiona" while my mum was at work my dad was teaching me how to defend myself at 6 years old- with guns. It was a little insane sometimes but he was still a great dad and I loved hanging out with him every second of the day.

But my mum however- had work, but not the type of work a normal mum would have the type of work she had was the type that would pay a lot. My mum worked as an assistant to a powerful Mafia. She was one of the most wanted women in the city, she did heaps of illegal things that was angst the law, for example Fiona's mum had.. robbed bank's, stolen prescious artifacts, killed people, break people out of jail and more. Although her boss never really told her why she needed to kill that somebody or rob that bank, none of the group really new, but she would still do it without hesitation since she was earning money for it. One time though, she was asked to do two job's in a day which was pretty risky but she still did it because her boss said "if you can do this I'll pay you double" they were two random jobs that had no resemblance what so ever, the jobs we're- to go to Mariko hospital and do whatever it takes to collect a file called "FILE.MED.01" after doing this I want you to go to this address ___________. When you get in your going to get into a maid costume and pretend you work there, continue cleaning the house until you find any type of unusual liquid in a glass bottle. Once my mum finished everything in the hospital she had to kill everyone in there but she didn't get seen by the cop's so she was fine.

She ran to the address that her boss told her to, and put on a maid dress so she would fit in with everyone else. She grabbed some cleaning products from out of the bathroom that was inside the house and began to clean, she cleaned everywhere inside the building until she finally found a room with a usual bright liquid in a glass bottle, she walked downstairs with her cleaning products and placed them back in the bathroom, Fiona's mum was about to exit the building until a strange guy came up to her and started flirting with her. This guy was really wasting her time until the man pulled her in for a kiss. This made Fiona's mother react with shock, she was about push away until the man's wife came along the man tilted his head to only see his wife standing there she was furious. Fiona's mother started to run but the wife ran up to her and stabbed her with a knife multiple times for her to only collapse on the floor de@d.

While I was at home sleeping my father was sitting there waiting for mum to get home he was starting to get worried it was 10PM. He new what mum did as a job and was scared of what have might of happened. About after 1 hour of waiting a notification popped up on his phone, ot was a breaking news notification. Dad decided to watch it the news.. to only find out what had happened to mum... His eyes were in terror of what he just watched he gradually got up and started writing on a piece of paper and just.. left.

In the morning when I woke up I ran downstairs to go make breakfast and went to go sit on the couch she looked beside her to see.. no one? Normally dad would be there drinking his cup of coffee. I looked around to see a piece of paper on the couch where dad would normally sit, I decided read it..

. . . . .

I couldn't believe my eyes.. our parents where NEVER coming back.. but there was one thing I could do to make them proud, one part of the paper said..

Look after your little brother Tyson, ok?

And here I am with my little brother Tyson in the hospital who could be... De@d.

To be continued...

(Did any of you guys notice the resemblance I made with this chapter and the first one?)

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