my house my rules.

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After hearing the door open from downstairs Tails began walking downstairs to see Fiona after all, he already knew it was her. Although when he walked downstairs he saw Fiona looking around she looked dazzled, surprised even a little shocked. Tails wondered what could be causing her to look like this, but instead, decided to say hi.

"Tails" Fiona, hello, I didn't think you'd actually turn up..

Fiona quickly turned her head around to look at Miles who was looking back at her with a plain look on his face "ah! Miles, I didn't see you there.. I didn't know you were rich"

"Tails" Mmm... I guess I am, but that doesn't matter... But I seriously thought you weren't gonna come.

"Fiona" I would never let a cutie like you down~ Fiona responded in a seductive manner, bending over slightly as she stared at the fox.

"Tails" of course you wouldn't..

"Fiona" okay, now that that's settled.. we should probably head to your-

Just before Fiona could finish her sentence the door flung open hitting the wall behind it hard, revealing the person who slammed the door open which seemed to be a colbert blue hedgehog standing there with his quills soaked from the rain.

"Sonic" aw man it's pouring down out here! You mind if I come in? I hate water.

"Tails" Sonic!? Wait what are you- I mean.. uh.. sure, since your wet.

"Sonic" thanks bud! But can I talk to you for a moment?

"Tails" yeah, sure.. what do you wanna say?

"Sonic" oh, well.. can I say it in private? Just- you and me?

"Tails" I suppose... Come on up to my bedroom "Tails begin walking up the stairs with the colbert blue hedgehog following behind him. Once making it up to his room, Tails closed the door softly making sure not to slam it before turning around and looking at Sonic"

"Tails" so.. what did you wanna tell me?

Sonic took a seat on the fox's bed, soft and fluffy as his nerves calmed down slightly before responding to the fox "nothing to important, I just saw you with Fiona the other day and wanted to tell you that I 'definitely' only came over to help you with Fiona because you looked uncomfortable"

"Tails" oh, I see.. well thank you, I appreciate it but, do you wanna towel? You look um.. wet

Sonic chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes closed for a couple of seconds before opening them and staring into the foxes sapphire blue eyes once again.

"Sonic" that would be great..

Tails smiled sweetly at the hedgehog before getting up off the bed and grabbing one of his old towels out of his closet that was a simple cream colour. Approaching the hedgehog once again and sitting behind him when Tails suddenly began to dry the hedgehogs wet quills. Sonic was most definitely surprised in the sudden action, blushing lightly, his eyes softening as he felt his muscles relax.

"Sonic" Tails what are you.. doing...

"Tails" drying your quills of course, what else?

"Sonic" I'm not a baby Tails..

"Tails" I know, but I might as well do it for you, I've already started Tails continued drying Sonic's damp quills carefully with the towel, putting it down a couple minutes later and using his fingers to stroke through the hedgehogs messy quills, making sure not to hurt Sonic in the process. Only focusing on the hedgehog in the meantime.

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