I dare you.

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Tails: uhh y-you see.. um..

Tail's: well.... I write about how pretty your eyes look! Yeah! I mean their a really pretty green.

Sonic blushed a bit knowing that Tail's his secret crush wrote about him.

Sonic: w-well I m-mean.. t-that's cool I guess.

Tail's: y-yeah!

Tail's pov: man that was close from Sonic finding out gotta be more careful.

y/n: Suddenly a fox opened the door.

Fiona: hey Tails nice room, you we're talking a while so I decided to look for you.

Tail's: oh Fiona.

Sonic: Tails did you invite Fiona?

Tail's: n-

Fiona: yes he did! Now how about we play truth or dare?

Sonic: uhh yeah sure.. you good with that Tailsy?

Tail's: yep.

Fiona pov: what did Sonic call Tails..? Is it possible for Sonic to... what no! First of all that would make Sonic gay which would absolutely FINISH his reputation and second there are SOOOO many girls who are into Sonic there's gotta be one girl he likes.. yeah!

Sonic: you ready Fiona?

Fiona: always.

Tail's: Sonic you can go first

Sonic: if ya say so.

Sonic: Tails I dare you to do a backflip

Tail's: whaaa!!!! I can't do that!

Sonic: just try!

Tail's: ...fine

Y/n: after that...

Sonic: see you can do it.

Fiona: yeah nice job Tails.

Tail's: thanks anyway it's your turn Fiona.

Fiona: ok Sonic whatcha into?

Sonic: what do ya mean?

Fiona: come on spill I know you know what I mean.

Sonic: no I don't Fiona.

Fiona: ughhh have you been living under a rock WHO DO YOU LIKE.

Sonic: I don't like anyone.

Fiona: come on you have to like someone! And if you really don't though, just take this though your mind you have hundreds of girls who will gladly accompany you.

Sonic: yeah I know..

Sonic pov: except I don't like any girl..

Tail's: ok it's my turn!

Tail's: ok Fiona I dare you to lick the ground!

Fiona: ew disgusting

Y/n: they continued playing truth or dare till about 5:55 Fiona left at 6:00 same with Sonic and walked home.

Tail's pov: that was actually pretty fun but I still gotta keep a look out on Fiona.



Tail's: hello aunt it's nice to see you.

Aunt Mary: aww how kind of you to say such a thing.

Tail's: it's nothing aunt, what's for dinner?

Aunt Mary: just something simple, macaroni cheese!

Tail's: ok then!

Y/n: with Fiona...

Fiona pov: hmm I really thought Sonic would like some girl.. maybe he just doesn't want to say? But still who? he's gotta like some girl.. maybe it's that pink haired girl Amy was it?... Nahhhhh I know for a fact that's not Sonic style in a girl.

Sonic pov: damn I didn't see which direction Fiona went! There's THAT chance gone....*Sigh* I'll just get her another day I guess.

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