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Sonic pov:
Sigh... the start of another crazy fucked up day.. great.. "Sonic said with sarcasm in his voice." Well I better go get ready for school before mum yells at you Sonic, oh right mom's not here. Each and every morning is the same thing as the last, I'll get up take a quick shower put on some clothes, walk downstairs and get some breakfast.

Sometimes I'll see mom if I wake up early enough, but that's hardly ever. So she'll go do her job, my mum is a murderer she's a little crazy but she still has a kind heart, it's just really hard to see.. I'm mostly the only one who notices though. My dad left me and mom when I was 4 he cheated on mum with one of our maid workers, who got killed by mom as soon as she saw her kissing dad. same with dad as well, but after he was gone mom began to have more and more problem's, she began to drink more than she used to, she never made me dinner anymore, and began to cry her self to sleep. All these feelings she had went on for a incredibly long time, I felt bad for her among the time she had these problems because I knew I couldn't do anything..

It's been 10 years since that happened, mom's definitely doing better now still a little insane but doing way better than before. But still.. if there was one thing I could do that would be to go back in time..

And kill my father..
Before he could break mom's heart.


With Miles..



"Aunt Mary" OK, BUT BE QUICK!!

Miles pov:
The lady yelling before was my aunt Mary, she takes care of me while my parents are on business trips, and their on business trips alot. I have a pretty normal life.. well I think?

When I was younger I had a lot of attention for having two fluffy soft Tail's and rare moon shining sapphire blue eyes. But of course not everyone liked me. When I was younger I was just talking to my best friend Mary, but suddenly a big friend group approached me and asked "hey, wanna be friends?" Of course back then I was young and dumb so I kindly accepted and said "yes" Nor did I know what they would make me feel... I began to hang out with them a lot, they we're fun to hangout with they we're always doing exiting things. But that all changed when..


"Miles" oh shoot I forgotten about breakfast! Uhh aunt I'll just eat when I get home

"Aunt Mary" are you sure? Would you like me to come with you? It's your first day of a new high-

"Miles" yes Aunty I'll be fine bye now!

"Aunt Mary" ok bye have a nice day!

Back with Sonic..

Sonic walked to the door and ran out hoping not to be late. Although he already knew he was, it was already 9:00. Once reaching school he quickly checked his schedule for today:

8:30 to 9:00 NOTICES & SPELLING

9:00 to 10:00 MATH

BREAK (10:00 to 10:30)

10:30 to 11:30 MUSIC

BREAK (11:30 to 12:00)

12:00 to 1:00 PHYSICS

BREAK (1:00 to 1:50)

1:50 to 3:00 PE

Sonic: Soo first up is.. math.... God damnit, why life.. "Sonic sighed painfully as he ran off to his class" However as soon as the speedy hedgehog left for his class the fox arrived..

"Miles" shoot I left the schedule at home on the table.. lucky I can remember what class I'm in.

Miles ran over to class 1-B In other words "Math class"

Teacher: ok everyone settle down we have a new student!

Everyone starts to whisper about the new student

Girl 1: I hope it's a boy!

Girl 2: yeah a hot one!

Girl 3:yes.. now your talking!

All girl's: (giggling)

"Teacher" girl's! Quiet down! Sorry about them, come in!



This part of the story has been remade!

Other parts may be remade as well

I recommend re-reading them once I've finished changing them all

If I've remade the story it'll have this exact same note


Other than that- enjoy!

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