She was small, but her face was aged, I assumed it was malnourishment. She had pale skin with freckles and dark hair. She came in brown cargo pants and a pale blue shirt. She looked too clean to be here.

Newt sighed, jumping in and lifting her up to us.

"I'll get Clint and Jeff," Chuck announced, jogging off to find the other Med-Jacks.

Newt set her on the grass, allowing Cally to check her vitals. I helped Newt out of the box and watched intently.

"Well she has a pulse," Cally determined, holding her wrist.

"We'll keep her in the Medbay til she wakes," Newt instructed.

"What's that?" I nudged at her hand, noticing a small slip of paper.

"I don't know..." Cally grabbed it, opened it and gasped.

"What?!" Newt yanked the paper from Cally. I read it over his shoulder.

"She's the last one. Ever..." I mumbled.

"Holy shit!" A Glader nearby exclaimed. With him, many others started to freak out too.

"This confirms it!" I said to Cally and Newt. "They're killing us, they're tired of waiting for the Maze to be solved."

Newt nods in agreement, "I'll talk to Minho when he gets back." Minho went against Leah's wishes and went into the Maze again.

"Here," Newt bent down and picked the girl up. "Let's get her comfortable and when she wakes up, maybe she can tell us some things."


That evening I was enjoying my alone time in the treehouse, waiting for Newt to come home. He was still doing his job, seemed like it never ended.

There was soft knock on the underside of the trap door. I smiled with excitement, Newt was finally here.

I opened the trap door, except it wasn't him. It was Danny, a Slicer I didn't know very well.

"Danny? What are you doing here?" I was confused, but I smiled anyways.

He finished entering the treehouse and grinned, but something in his eyes wasn't right...

"I'm here for you, Felix."

I raised my eyebrow, "What-?" Before I could say another word, Danny came at me swinging. In the dim candlelight I didn't notice the handmade club in his hand.

It hit me in the side of my head, my temple. I tried fighting back but Danny was bigger and stronger and he was fueled by something more... rage.

"Danny!" I screamed. "Stop..."

"No!" He hit me in the stomach next, my old rib injury sent hot pain running up my side. "You deserve to die!"

"Stop!" I begged, "Stop please!"

He straddled my torso, locking my body under the weight of his.

"Shut up!" He spat on me. "I already told you, Felix. Death." Another punch to my skull.

"Why?!" I panted, it was hard to breathe with him sitting on my chest.

"You're a disgrace. Unnatural."

My eyes went wide, this was because I was gay? Danny smiled down at me, there wasn't anything human left in his eyes.

"Newt!" I screamed, as loud as I could. There wasn't any other way out of this... not alive.

"Shut up!" He growled, slapping a hand to my throat.

Danny started to squeeze.

I clawed at his hands around my throat, but that only made him squeeze harder. My vision was starting to go, I was starting to see dark spots.

To Capture A Heart | The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now