Start from the beginning

Torsten grabbed her hand, "I never had any intention of being a father but you have my word that I will try my best for our child." He smiled softly, "I never thought a day like this would come."

Althea smiled softly at him as she squeezed his hand lightly. "I just wanted to tell you before I tell Ivar it is his and you believe it." She then turned and walked away.

Althea's feet carried her to the great hall and into the room she was given to use while she stayed. She closed the door behind herself.  It was true the child inside of her was Torsten's and she felt awful having to make Ivar believe it was his when it is not. When it's true father stood by her side. She took her cloak off and set it on the chair in the room before sitting on the bed.

She placed her face in her hands and groaned softly to herself before laying back on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Her arms were on either side of her spread out wide. She followed the intricate patterns of the wood above her. She felt like a fool, of course Torsten would have been happy. She should have known but in reality she was supposed to be with Ivar's child and she thanked the gods that she was not. That she found out about her pregnancy before she took Ivar's innocence.

There was a knock at the door and she sat up slowly, her arms supporting her. "Come in." She spoke loudly.

The door opened and in stepped Ubbe. He left the door open as he walked in further. "I know you had a plan but you never told me the details of it. So what was it?" Ubbe asked as he joined his hands in front of him.

Althea motioned for him to sit in the chair across from her. Which he did, he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees and he waiterd for her to tell him.

"I plan on telling Ivar the child I carry is his. And once I do he would not harm me giving me the perfect chance to kill him." said Althea as she gave him the gist of her plan.

Ubbe's brows furrowed, tilting his head. "You're with child? Ivar's child?"

Althea laughed, "Gods no." She breathed in deeply knowing that now her relationship with Torsten would finally be revealed. She picked at the furs underneath her, "It is Torsten's..." She trailed off.

"Your bodyguard?" asked Ubbe as he sat up and leaned back in the chair.

"Yes, he and I started a relationship two months after my son was cut out of me." She looked up at him. "But I found out only a few days before I slept with Ivar that I was with child." Althea shrugged, "Ivar believed he was impotent and I was able to prove that he was not. If I say the child I carry is his he would not even think of killing me."

"Does Torsten know?" Ubbe asked. He was hurt but if she was happy than that was all that mattered.

Althea nodded and smiled softly, "Yes. He knows and he knows what I plan to do. So he is not blindsided by what I say and what I threaten." She finished.

Ubbe smiled softly, "Then I am happy for you, Althea, truly." Ubbe stood, "And it is a good plan, I know my brother and if you claim that the child you carry is his he will believe it. No doubt, he would listen to what you say." He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You are a good mother and I am proud of how far you have come. Your son and the child you carry are lucky to be your children." Ubbe smiled at her. He was truly proud of her. He remembered that she was terrified the first time but this time she seemed more at ease and happy.

"Thank you, Ubbe," She placed her hand over his, "You are my greatest friend and I am thankful the gods made it so." She smiled at him.

Ubbe nodded and then turned to leave her room. But he stopped at the door, "Lagertha is planning a feast tonight. For Bjorn's return. I expect to see you there." Ubbe smiled at her.

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