━━ TWO

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[ act i - a legend born for greatness ]
( devils come at night )

     THE SKY HAD JUST STARTED TO DARKEN AS HE began putting away the animals and feeding the scraps leftover from what his mother made to the pigs

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THE SKY HAD JUST STARTED TO DARKEN AS HE began putting away the animals and feeding the scraps leftover from what his mother made to the pigs. It was a strange night, strange because it was quiet. Usually, you would hear some type of animal in the forest but not tonight it seemed. Something just seemed off.

Gunnar finished throwing the scraps into the pigs' pen, placing the bucket on the ground by his feet, he placed both hands on the thin fence that kept the pigs in one place. He stared at the sun on the horizon watching it make its slow descent. The glow reminded him of the first and only time he saw her weeks ago.

Then again he had not been back to the village, he just had too much work here on the farm to deal with, especially since his father was gone and there was no telling when he would be back. Or if he would ever return.

He smiled softly to himself thinking there was no way she saw him the same way he saw her. Although he did hear rumors from the farm over that had been back to the village saying that the princess finally revealed herself, they said they did not catch her name just the ending, the bloodthirsty. That she was her own champion and revealed herself after she killed two men who challenged her. Finally staking her claim to her kingdom.

Gunnar sighed to himself watching the rest of the sun dip beyond the mountain and the sky darkening. He picked up the bucket and went back inside the place he called home. His mother was just finished preparing dinner.

"Here," His mother spoke handing him a bowl and sending him on his way.

"Thank you." He said as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She smiles lightly at him. He knew she missed his father and was lonely without him. He wanted a love like theirs.

Gunnar took notice of how tired she looked lately. He knew she was worried, worried his father would never come back. Frankly, he should have been back by now, the others returned but he never did. He ate his food slowly, deep in thought. He was the man of the farmstead now, it was about time he acted like it. Although he still did have to listen to his mother. She was all he had left. His two younger siblings passed many winters ago of sickness, his mother never truly recovered and now his father was gone another nail in the coffin for her.

When they were both finished eating he sent his mother to bed as he cleaned up after themselves. Stoking the fire one last time and adding a few more logs he laid down in his bed.

It was going to be another long day tomorrow, not only did he have to chop more wood but he also had to go hunting. he moved his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling, his eyes slowly getting heavier and heavier before he drifted off to sleep.

It felt like hours before he was woken by a knife at the base of his throat.

"Get up," The man spit. His brown eyes looked deadly.

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